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Que the Music - a musical tag

This tag was so much fun. I practically live off music, so this one was a perfect fit. I stole it from Sisters Three, by the way, if you want to check theirs out and find some new music. :P

There are 30 questions (well, 31 'cause I added one), and each answer has anywhere from 1-9 songs in the answer ('cept one), which means you could hypothetically find up to 120 new songs. Does it get much better than that? XP

Your Favorite Song

I don't really do "favorite" songs, especially since mine change so often. "Often" meaning to the point where I have a Current Mood playlist with my top 100 songs that are constantly getting swapped out and rearranged and whatnot. XD One that I'm listening to a lot right now, though, is the Doctor Who soundtrack for season 4, especially A Noble Girl About Town and Doctor Who Theme.

Your Least Favorite Song

Bleh. Anything metal that has screaming in it. Like... how in the world is that pleasant??

A Song That Makes You Happy

This is very random, but Opening Travel Music from the Ice Age soundtrack. Something about the happy sounds + good, lighthearted movie + childhood memories just makes me feel all light and bubbly. XP

A Song That Makes You Sad

So so many. I have whole playlists (yes, plural) for these because 1) Sadness is beautiful and teaches a lot; and 2) I'm a writer and gotta write actually sad scenes sometimes and music helps. Some that stand out are Time to Go Home from the Voyage of the Dawn Treader soundtrack by David Arnold, A Sister Says Goodbye from the Black Widow soundtrack by Lorne Balfe (actually that entire soundtrack is very angsty and highly recommended for anyone writing intense scenes, emotionally or physically), and Alive and Together from the Mortal Engines soundtrack by Tom Holkenborg. And of course several from the Lord of the Rings film trilogy: The Grey Havens from Return of the King, The Bridge of Khazad-Dum (this cover is really good and focuses on just the sad part at the end instead of all the action music before) and The Breaking of the Fellowship from the Fellowship of the Ring, and Gollum's Song from Two Towers, all by Howard Shore (and Emiliana Torrini for Gollum's Song). But if you want non-soundtrack songs that make me sad, I'll go with Cinderella by Steven Curtis Chapman and Ashes of Eden by Breaking Benjamin.

A Song That Makes You Feel Guilty

Anything from The Greatest Showman. The music in and of itself is fantastic. But the lyrics are theologically inaccurate, and The Greatest Showman was pushing a pretty obvious gay agenda in the background (one of the composers is trans/gay, the whole theme is "tolerance" and "inclusivity" and "being yourself" even if everyone else sees you as a freak, trans characters in the background, and This Is Me has become a gay anthem much to the pride of the producers/directors/etc... *sighs*). I do listen to it from time to time (especially covers), but in general I try to avoid it just 'cause I don't really want to support it.

A Song That Often Gets Stuck In Your Head

Ack. Funkytown by Lipps Inc. Good song, great beat, but very long and repetitive and definitely gets stuck in your head for days. *dies*

A Song That Reminds You Of Someone

Jesus by Martin Smith reminds me of my dad. When I was working on this post way back in May, he came up, took my laptop, turned the song on, gave me two thumbs up and left. Now this song is forever his. XD

Also anything by Shane & Shane reminds me of my mom, just because she listens to them a lot. Most Sunday mornings I wake up to hear either Shane & Shane, Anthem Lights, or Andrew Peterson playing while my mom makes breakfast. 'Tis an excellent way to keep Sundays special. If I were to pick a specific song, though, I'd probably go with Psalm 16 (Fullness of Joy) by Shane & Shane.

A Song That Reminds You Of Someplace

Does the LOTR theme song count? XD I honestly don't get songs that remind me of places very much. Occasionally you'll get one that sounds very British or whatever, but I'm not sure that counts. So I guess I'll go with Concerning Hobbits from LOTR and say that reminds me of the Shire - and add My Dear Frodo from the Hobbit and say it reminds me of Erebor. XP

A Song That Reminds You Of A Certain Event

Valhalla Calling by Miracle of Sound reminds me of the first time I learned its name. I was in the car with our youth leader and some people from youth group, driving up to a hiking spot, when this song came on. My youth leader turned up the volume and bass and sang the bass line, so everything was deep enough that the whole car vibrated. 'Twas excellent. XD

A Song You Know All The Words To

...most every song in my library. So hundreds. XD But one I'm specifically working on learning the words to is Gray Flowers by The Gray Havens.

A Song You Could Dance To

What kind of dance? 'Cause waltzing and line dancing and break dancing are all very different things... XD I'll kinda avoid the question and go with one that is from a (hilarious) dancing scene that I could very much dance to with just about everything but slow dancing and is just *chef's kiss*: Barn Dance from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers by Adolph Deutsch. If you haven't seen this movie, you need to. It's a Western musical romcom, and the only romcom I've ever seen that I like - and I believe it was filmed in the 1950s so add a bit of that old movie charm and it's just... ack. So good. Either that or my family has too many inside jokes about it and that's what makes it good. Either way, watch the dancing scene. And then the Going Courtin' scene. They're my favorites. *nods firmly*

A Song That Makes You Fall Asleep

Ha, another thing I have a full playlist for. Just 'cause, if you're napping, you don't want something like God's Great Dance Floor by Martin Smith showing up just as you're dropping off. XP I would say that one that instantly makes me sleepy is Calla by Milana Zilnik. Also most everything from Ola Gjeilo, especially Skyline. More artists are Secret Garden (Prayer is great, as is Sleepsong), most of Josh Garrels' stuff (especially his Peace to All Who Enter Here album), and oddly enough a fair amount of this little-known band called Rivertribe. Maybe I just think they're sleepy because that's one of the things my dad has always napped to for as long as I can remember, but eh. *shrugs*

A Song From Your Favorite Band

...I don't have a favorite band... XD

Though I am in the tail end of a We Are Messengers kick, so I guess my favorite song from them is either Always You or Love.

A Song From a Band You Hate

I don't know about hate, but I definitely would not recommend most of Breaking Benjamin's stuff. That being said, I really like Ashes of Eden...

A Song Nobody Would Expect You To Love

This is hard 'cause I like almost all genres except metal and rock-ish stuff. And even then I can get in a mood for them, or like individual songs. Maybe some older, not-God-focused stuff like Sh-boom by The Chords or Don't Worry, Be Happy by Bobby McFerrin. (Though to be fair, McFerrin kinda creeps me out for no reason. Bleh. *shivers*)

A Song That Describes You

Ooh. I wish I had someone to ask. XD I'll go with To All the Poets by Andrew Peterson, since it so beautifully captures my hopes and dreams and appreciations and values and is a whole lot of metaphor, which I absolutely love. XP Also It Is What It Is by Jenna Raine is very accurate to my stage of life right now. Ha.

An Underrated Song More People Should Love

Fly to Paradise by Eric Whitacre, Guy Sigsworth, and Hila Plitmann. Seriously, why doesn't Eric Whitacre get a better rap? And this one is just *chef's kiss*. Her voice is stunning - and quality, too - and the choir and instrumentation is just spot. on. Ahh. I love it. And I try to hit that one high note in there every time and every time it's squeaky. XD One of these days.

A Song That You Often Hear on The Radio

Ooh I haven't listened to the radio in a long time. Probably something by good old Toby Mac, though - or For King & Country. Some of my favorites of theirs are Scars by TobyMac and To the Dreamers by For King & Country.

A Song You Wish You Heard on the Radio

Why don't we have a radio for soundtracks??? Like... ack, guys, there are so many good soundtracks out there. I've already listed a lot in the previous questions, so just shout-out to James Newton Howard and we'll leave it at that. XD

A Song You Listen To When You’re Happy "Bouncy" playlist. Heh. *picks one from the many* How about DC-10 by Audio Adrenaline? Good memories and a better beat. *nodnod*

A Song You Listen To When You’re Sad

Aw. One from my "Sad" playlist. *again picks one from the many* One that almost always makes me cry is Someone's Waiting for You from the Rescuers, sung by Shelby Flint. I've always had a soft spot for adoption and that scene was just... masterful. My poor heart.

A Song You Listen To When You’re Angry

Oh, I don't. I don't get angry often, but when I do it's hard enough to control without feeding it. XD One that I listen to that usually creates this weird, detached sense of anger and sadness and regret all at once is My Immortal (cover) by One Voice Children's Choir.

A Song You Want to Play At Your Wedding

Hmmmm this one took some thought. Probably Dancing in the Minefields by Andrew Peterson, and Together by Steven Curtis Chapman. Also, call me secular, but I do enjoy Christina Perri's A Thousand Years.

A Song You Want To Play At Your Funeral

Ha, my dad has this strange desire to play Pop Goes the Weasel at his funeral and have his corpse on a spring so he pops out of the casket when we play the song... Not sure if that counts but I had to give it a chance 'cause I don't really know what else to put. Some cool instrumentals? XD Ooh actually I would like One More Light (cover again) by One Voice Children's Choir. Suicide is a topic I'm passionate about and would like to do something with during my life. So I'd like to draw attention to that.

A Song That Makes You Laugh

Haha You're a Hum-Dinger by BR549. The cover isn't super appropriate, but talk about underrated comedy. 😂 If you've never heard this song you have to give it a listen. Your day will be significantly improved and you'll probably get a good laugh out of it. :P

A Song That You Can Play

By memory? As the Deer on the piano and Into the West on the ukelele. With music? It Is Well (Moonlight Sonata Version) on piano, among others, and virtually anything I've heard before on ukelele. XD One that I know mostly by memory but don't have music for? Is He Worthy by Andrew Peterson on piano and ukelele.

A Song You Wish You Could Play

All of Me by Jon Schmidt. Seriously. How does someone move their fingers that fast?? I figure once I can play that then I can say that I'm good at piano. XD And most of the themes from my favorite movies/TV shows (LOTR, Narnia, Doctor Who, Marvel, etc).

A Song From Your Childhood

Haha so many! A lot of Chris Rice and DC Talk and Delirious. But I'm oing to go with I Wan'na Be Like You (The Monkey Song) from Disney's Jungle Book, by Louis Prima, Phil Harris, and more. Great song. XD

Your Favorite Duet

Ooh, Crazy by Hannah Gill and Casey Abrams. I tend to like jazz and this one is fantastic. Plus, I have a similar range to Gill, which is rare for me to find, so it's a blast to be able to sing along without having to switch octaves. XD

Your Favorite Song at This Time of Year

I don't know if I have a favorite at this time of the year, but with camp season here I'm usually singing Walkin' on the Heav'nly Road on repeat. XP

How Many Playlists Do You Have?

(I'm adding a question to the tag, yes. And if anyone swipes this from me then I require them to use this question and add one of their own. *nods firmly*)

Between my two accounts, 60 playlists. 35 on my writing account and 25 on my personal one. 'Tis excellent. XD

Clean copy of the questions:

Your Favorite Song

Your Least Favorite Song

A Song That Makes You Happy

A Song That Makes You Sad

A Song That Makes You Feel Guilty

A Song That Often Gets Stuck In Your Head

A Song That Reminds You Of Someone

A Song That Reminds You Of Someplace

A Song That Reminds You Of A Certain Event

A Song You Know All The Words To

A Song You Could Dance To

A Song That Makes You Fall Asleep

A Song From Your Favorite Band

A Song From a Band You Hate

A Song Nobody Would Expect You To Love

A Song That Describes You

An Underrated Song More People Should Love

A Song That You Often Hear on The Radio

A Song You Wish You Heard on the Radio

A Song You Listen To When You’re Happy

A Song You Listen To When You’re Sad

A Song You Listen To When You’re Angry

A Song You Want to Play At Your Wedding

A Song You Want To Play At Your Funeral

A Song That Makes You Laugh

A Song That You Can Play

A Song You Wish You Could Play

A Song From Your Childhood

Your Favorite Duet

Your Favorite Song at This Time of Year

How Many Playlists Do You Have?


How about you? Are you a music nerd? What were some songs you recognized from this list? Did you find any you didn't know? What did you not expect? What do you think my favorite genre is? How many instruments do you play?

Until next time,

Take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teeth!! ^_^


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I've been on a We Are Messengers kick too, haha! And that's so disappointing about the gay agenda in The Greatest Showman. I actually never saw it, but it did always annoy me when "This Is Me" would be used in context of the pride movement. *rolls eyes* I liked the song and found it relatable looking at it through a Biblical lens (though a few of the lyrics I sang different words to because, ehhh 😂). But I get not wanting to support them.

And YES! We NEED radio stations for soundtracks!!! Why has no one done that before??! 😍

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Right? Why do they have to ruin good stories to push political agendas? (Saaaame XD)

I don't understand ittttttt. Ah well. Guess that will have to go on the bucket list. XD

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