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Review: The Lost Kingdom of Bamarre

I love fairy tales, and Gail Carson Levine does a fantastic job with most of her retellings. (Ella Enchanted, anyone? ;P) So, when I saw that she had done a Rapunzel retelling with a child swapped at birth, how could I resist?

Also, that cover is to die for. 0_0

So! That being said, let's dive right in, shall we?

The Lost Kindom of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine

(As a warning, there might maybe be spoilers in here. So beware. I’ll make sure the spoilers are alerted, but just sayin’. ;))

In this compelling and thought-provoking fantasy set in the world of The Two Princesses of Bamarre, Newbery Honor-winning author Gail Carson Levine introduces a spirited heroine who must overcome deeply rooted prejudice—including her own—to heal her broken country.

Peregrine strives to live up to the ideal of her people, the Latki—and to impress her parents: affectionate Lord Tove, who despises only the Bamarre, and stern Lady Klausine. Perry runs the fastest, speaks her mind, and doesn’t give much thought to the castle’s Bamarre servants, whom she knows to be weak and cowardly.

But just as she’s about to join her father on the front lines, she is visited by the fairy Halina, who reveals that Perry isn’t Latki-born. She is Bamarre. The fairy issues a daunting challenge: against the Lakti power, Perry must free her people from tyranny.

(Again, a poor quality cover, sorry about that. Heh.)

Star Rating

4.5 stars



  1. Language--None

  2. Sexual--Mild romance, nothing worse than most PG-13 movies. Characters kiss briefly and think about kissing one another.

  3. Smoking/drinking/drugs/etc.--None

  4. Humor--Hilarious but clean ;P


  1. Magic/witchcraft--In true fairy-tale style, Levine has "good" fairies who cast spells and things, and "good" sorcerers. Magic is quite intrinsic to the story. She doesn't ever mention the source of the magic - it is implied that the fairies get the power simply from being fairies, and it's a learned art for the sorcerers.


  1. Violence--Pretty mild. There are battles and things, but nothing super intense or gory. There is a scene with implied torture, though.

  2. Spiritual--The only complaint I have in this area is that Halina seems God-like from time to time. There isn't really any specified religion, though.



  1. Don't judge by outward appearance (1 Samuel 16:7)

  2. Love unconditionally (Christ's example on the cross; 1 Corinthians 13:1-8)

  3. Judge not (Matthew 7:1)

  4. Be strong and kind (Joshua 1:9; Galatians 5:22-23)


  1. "You are marvelous as you are." ~Halina - While this is true (Psalm 139:13-14), we should not take it to mean we are perfect as we are. We're fallen human beings (Genesis 3) and there's a lot we can work on (the entirety of the Gospel). However, I believe Levine meant it in the appearance sense of things - as in, your appearance is fine how it is.



  1. Honesty (Peregrine (aka Perry), our main character)

  2. Courage (Perry, Drualt, Willem)

  3. Determination (Perry)

  4. Kindness (Perry's mother)

  5. Compassion (Perry's mother)

  6. Faithfulness (Perry's sister - this one really stood out to me. In Analee's shoes (is that her name...? I'm suddenly drawing a blank XD) I doubt I would have been nearly so loyal)


  1. Stealing (Perry's dad - this is a Rapunzel retelling, so there is that to consider, but... yeah)


  1. Prejudice (Lord Tove, Lady Klausine, Perry - however, all of these are meant to showcase the themes against prejudice)

Favorite Quotes

"You shouldn't criticize people unless you're sure they want to listen." -Willem

"Anger could be dangerous. Try not to be angry, Perry." -Willem

"Hope follows courage." -Perry

Techy Stuff

The worldbuilding and plot development were both really good!! I thoroughly enjoyed myself and didn't find myself cringing once at a cheesy line or shabby covering of a plot hole. :)


That was kinda a sad review, honestly... *cocks head* It appears I need to write more notes when I'm reading stories. XDD

Have you ever read The Lost Kingdom of Bamarre? If so, who was your favorite character? Have you ever read any of Levine's other works, like The Two Princesses of Bamarre or Ella Enchanted? What is one of your favorite fairy tales?

Until next time,

Take courage, pursue Christ, and smile while you still have teeth!! ^_^


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