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Encouragement for Writers


Yesterday was September 12th, the National Day of Encouragement. I thought it was fitting that today should be the day I posted a post of encouragement. After all, I’ve been encouraged by at least two people to write an encouraging post of encouragement to young writers encouraging them to stick with it.

*coughs* Ok, I’ll stop now.

Basically, in this post I’m going to exercise every encouraging fiber in my being and give you ten encouragements – countdown style! So, if you’re a young writer (or, really any writer at all), settle down with a cozy blanket and some hot chocolate (or lemonade, if you want something colder XD)!

Also, there’s a rule. NO SKIMMING. You must read this in order so I can deliver my suspense properly. *grinz*

10.You’re equipped

Seriously. What else do you need to write? You have an imagination, a computer (or even if you don’t have a computer, you probably have a pencil and paper lying around somewhere!), you even have time! Yeah, I know, you have a busy schedule.

So why are you reading this blog? I’m not that interesting. Just stop reading my blog and use that time once a week to write. It doesn’t have to be a lot. It doesn’t have to be impressive. It doesn’t even have to make sense (I should know XD). It just needs to be there for you to read later.


If you’re discouraged: You’re ready to write. So go do it. 😛

9. FUN!

This is a biggy for a lot of peeps. I know several teens who would rather do something fun than do something smart. But the beauty of writing is that, even if it’s not necessarily sane (or good for your mental health in any way, shape, or form), it’s fun AND smart! Most of the time. *coughs*

Seriously, though, how much fun do you have with your imagination? Put that on paper and enjoy the trip!! (Also, bring chocolate. ‘Cause, I mean, CHOCOLATE!)

If you’re discouraged: pull up a document and start writing for fun – either write out that awesome dream you had last night, or some imaginings. If you want to, put yourself in some interesting situation. Make a character taste chocolate for the first time. Just have fun!! 😀

8. “The pen is mightier than the sword.”

Edward Bulwerlytton said that, and I think it’s true, for the most part. After all, a Book is what brings so many to eternal life. Stories change lives instead of taking them, inspire ideas instead of forcing actions, knit people together instead of tearing them apart. The pen is mightier indeed. And, as I like to say, the pen is your sword. 😉

If you’re discouraged: you’re not all-powerful. You can’t write an amazing story. But with God behind your words, your pen truly is mightier than the sword.

7. You get the unique experience of emulating God

This is another big one (which means it should tell you that the ones coming are obviously ghihugicly awesome too, ’cause this is only #7). I mean, think about it. God crafted a world, Earth, with everything he wanted. He populated it and picked characters, then led them through an intricate plot with plot twists around every corner, “tortured” those poor charries, and ultimately showed lessons to be learned and strong themes to be applied. The difference between what he did and what we do is that we mess up.

A lot.

But you don’t have to know how many hairs are on the heads of every single person in your world. That’s not your job. You’re here to craft a thrilling story that burns in the heart and leads others to long for that perfect Eden. You’re called to convict readers, tear them down and build them up again, shatter them and then repair their hearts and urge them to continue. You’re here to glorify the Almighty with your creation, even if it be only fumbling words.

And if that ain’t both daunting and thrilling, I don’t know what is. XD

If you’re discouraged: remember you’re obeying. You’re emulating your Creator. Congrats! 😀

6. Look how far you’ve come

How many words have you written in your life? Not just for writing, but school, work, whatever. To give you a bit of perspective, a single page of paper holds about 500 words, with size 12 font, normal margins, and 1.15 size spacing, which is pretty average. How many papers have you written in your life? How many pages of paper have you filled out?

I can almost guarantee that you’ve got more than 1000 words under your belt already.

What about an idea? Have you got an idea for a story? Great, that’s half of the writing battle right there!! Have you got characters, but no plot? Who cares? You’ve still got people, one of the core elements of your story.

If you’re discouraged: just look back. See what you’ve done and dwell on that – but beware. Even as you do this, you can’t let your reminiscing go beyond the point of encouragement into the realm of arrogance. Once you’ve refueled, move on from that and write some more. 😉

5. You’ve got help

Words. They’re powerful, precious (I know I already mentioned it. XD) (Ignore the Gollum impersonation, though. It comes out now and again when I’m not careful ;)). And while writing them IS fun (and hey, admit it, you love doing that!), you get stuck.

A LOOOOOOT, if you’re anything like me.

So talk it out! Find a friend who’s bored and rant for a while. Or, if you’re afraid your friend will think you’re nuts, talk to a fish! They’re great listeners. If you don’t have a fish, try the resident cat or dog or skunk (though please don’t get too close to that last one). If you don’t have any of those, try a rock! Yes, people will think you’re crazy for talking to a rock. To look slightly less crazy, talk to yourself!

(Inner Critic: Stop it, Joelle, you’re getting a little… *spirals finger near ear*)

(Me: *sticks out my tongue* Most of them don’t mind anyway – either that or they just skip these parts.)

The point is to talk it out. Remember why you love your story, why you love writing, why that fire burns in you (more on that later). If you’re struggling, find a writing community either in-person or online (Story Embers and Kingdom Pen are some GREAT resources). I used to think I was the only young writer in my town and that I’d never be able to figure it all out.

I got older.

I discovered the internet.


Writing buddies.

If you’re discouraged: you’ve got resources to help. Go and find ’em. 😉

(P.S. If you have no idea where to start looking for resources, comment below and I’ll flood you with so many links with great knowledge and advice behind ’em you won’t know what hit you. *grinz*)

4. Remember why you’re writing

If you aren’t writing for God, this probably isn’t going to be very encouraging. If you’re writing to get rich or famous, this probably isn’t going to help you out very much.


If you are writing for God, let me tell you that he sees what you’re doing – how hard you’re trying. And I’m pretty sure that’ll make a huge smile fill his face, especially if being an author is what he’s called you to do. He knows the path of your story, what lives it will touch and what money it’ll make and how it’ll grow you as a person. He’s in charge of all that.

Why are you writing? To glorify God? Proclaim the Gospel? Make someone smile? Teach others? Encourage them (that’s me right now XD)? I’m no expert, but I believe each of those are things God applauds.

If you’re discouraged: dwell on the why. Let that old passion spark, then fan that ember until it engulfs your heart once more in flames. The go forth and write. 🙂

3. Don’t give up

Ever listened to For King & Country? (COMMENT ‘BOUT IT PLEASE!) If so, maybe you’ve heard their song Never Give Up. If not, Google it right now and listen, applying it to your writing.

If you aren’t going to Google it, then, I’m sorry, that’s all I’m gonna say. *grins*


DUH! WRITING IS A GREAT EXCUSE TO REWARD YOURSELF WITH CHOCOLATE WHEN YOU MEET YOUR GOAL!! (Aka: make yourself a goal, and work towards that when you really really really want your self-awarded reward. If you don’t think you have the discipline for that, then find a friend or family member to withhold that reward (aka wag it under your nose until you’re insane) until you’ve finished.

If you’re discouraged: find some way to reward yourself from your work! It can be as simple as a candy bar or as elaborate as going to a concert. *shrugs* ‘Tis your choice.

1. You are not alone

Please please please remember this one. No matter what you’re facing, no matter how bad you think you are or how hopeless things look or how messed up that manuscript is, you are not alone. There are other writers out there who have or are going through your problems. There are people out there who will walk you through them and mentor you through every step. There are those who, though not writers themselves, will listen to you rant and let you cry on your shoulder when you just can’t take it any more.

Yes. Writing is hard. Yes, it can be fun, and yes, it is often a matter of forcing yourself to take the next step.

Do so.

If you’re discouraged: you can do it. I believe in you, and God’s with you wherever you are. Ask him to help, and watch the ink fly. 🙂

P.S. If you ever need to talk, or rant (even about non-writing stuff), or ask questions, or just have a virtual cup of hot chocolate, I’m here. Go ahead and comment, and I’ll do my very best to help in any way possible (even if it means giving up my precious virtual hot chocolate – *shudder* XD).

Wrap Up

(First off, sorry this was so late in getting out. *coughs* Someone may have forgotten that it was Post Day. *cough cough* Plus, I really wanted to get this post right, so I’ve spent extra time writing it (which is why I’m still up even though it’s 10 minutes past my bedtime, heh heh). Apologies. *puppy eyes*)

Secondly, I hope this helped you if you’re discouraged, unmotivated, or even pulsing with brain juice. It’s not so much about encouragement as it is me sharing the lessons I’ve learned over the years and praying it helps someone else.


Take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teeth!! 😀

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