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Introducing... Ad Bellum (and a giveaway)

Well. It is the last Monday of the month, which means time for a review! However, I'm gonna take a break from a review this month and instead introduce you guys to an up-and-coming story written by my very own writing mentor, the marvelous Moriah Armstrong! Give her a round of applause, please. *round of applause*

Armstrong has a serious ability to write raw, impactful stories that leave you breathless and more often than not rather teary-eyed. (For the record, I read the epilogue of Ad Bellum - just the epilogue, mind you, with no other context whatsoever - and ended up in tears. You have been warned.) She's written murder mysteries, fan fiction, contemporary, dystopian, and everything in between, and all of it is good! I have no idea how she does it, but I am very glad to call her my mentor. XD

So! What's all this about Ad Bellum?

I'm so glad you asked. 😊

The Story

Sara is a girl who lives in a world where every full moon, she has to defeat six monsters: Iracundia, Dissocio, Noxa, Demissio, Formido, and Sese. Each monster has its own unique set of abilities, challenging and testing Sara in every imaginable way. Because she forgets the events of every full moon once it’s over, she must learn how to beat the monsters as if it is her first battle. In one fateful night, Sara must either emerge victorious…or never see the light of dawn.

The Authoress

Hey there! I’m Moriah Armstrong, a 17-year-old writer, mental health warrior, Skillet fan, and child of God. I’ve been writing ever since I could hold a pencil, and one of my greatest hopes is to publish my work and share it with the world. ❤

Is that cover gorgeous or what? XD

Why it Matters

"Ok, great," you say. "But why are you telling us, Joelle? Is the book on sale?"

Um... not yet. Because it hasn't been published.

See, here's the thing. In order for Moriah to self-publish this fantastic story (which, I assure you, is very needed in the teenage world right now), she needs to reach 500 subscribers on her email list. And, you guessed it, she doesn't have that many subscribers right now. So here's the deal - if you sign up and add just one more number to that list, and she makes 500, she'll self-publish Ad Bellum and give it to the world. (And you get to enter her fantabulous giveaway, but I'm getting ahead of myself. XD)

What's in it for You

I'm fairly confident that very few of you are going to sign up for something you know absolutely nothing about (at least, I hope only very few of you would XD). Allow me to share a bit of Moriah's pitch to you so you can see what you'll get out of her newsletter if you do sign up.

I send out an edition of my newsletter at the end of every month. The contents include poetry, snippets of my writing, updates on my life and my writing progress, a funny story from my life, and two brand-new sections: encouragement and uplifting music. Replies are always encouraged, and I’m happy to engage in conversation with/pray for you. ❤

The life story and poetry are probably my favorite sections. Seriously, the sarcasm in the life stories is spot-on, and the emotion and vulnerability dripping from her poetry is so beautiful to me. <3

The Giveaway

Now we come to it. >:) Take a gander at these:

Aren't they goregous?!?! 😍 I don't know about you, but I can always use another pretty notebook, and clips are my best friend these days. XD They make great bookmarks, go figure.

Anyway! If you want a chance at winning these puppies, you can enter by signing up for Moriah's newsletter right here. (And take a moment to admire her paper/leaf background thingie, please. 'Tis a work of art. *nodnod*)

(Unfortunately, you have to live in the continental US in order to win. *winces* I'm sorry if that disqualifies you!!)

More Links

To make things a bit nicer for y'all's poor brains, here's a list of the links you may be interested in, just so they're easier to find. ;)


And voila, there you go! This is a quick, easy way to support a young Christian author looking to change the world. Go check her out (and admire that notebook again, 'cuz it be stunning)!

What do you think of Ad Bellum? Would you take it home if you found it on your library bookshelf? Are you signed up for Moriah's newsletter already? Will you be signed up after this post? What is your favorite way to support up-and-coming authors fighting for healthier media? Do you have a writing mentor (or more than one)? Is that cover gorgeous or what?!?!

Until next time,

Take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teeth!!

-the Penmaiden

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Saraina Whitney
Saraina Whitney
Apr 25, 2023

That cover is just magical!!! 😍✨ Oh, I'd totally take Ad Bellum home with me if I saw it on a library shelf. *confident nod* Here's to 500 subscribers! *clinks imaginary glass against yours*

Apr 25, 2023
Replying to

I KNOW, RIGHT?!?! *melts from its magicalness* Hehe, me too. *clinks glass* Thank you for reading!

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