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Review: The BFG


#1 Sorry this is late. Again. Busy day, not to mention I completely forgot about it until like 4:30 and wasn’t able to get to it until now. #2 This is another movie review. Yes, yes, I know I’m not exactly balanced in my book-versus-movie reviews, but I didn’t get the book I was planning on reviewing (Grace Johnson’s Prisoner at Heart) read in time. (In case you can’t tell, I hate deadlines. XDDD)

SO! Today I’m gonna review a movie I enjoy but hasn’t made it to my favorite’s list. There honestly wasn’t much to review in it – not a bunch of good things, nor a bunch of bad. Which means you get yourselves a short review. 😉 Settle in, bribe the nearest fuzzy thing to sit with you, and read on. 😀

The BFG by Disney (and others)

(As a warning, there might maybe be spoilers in here. So beware. I’ll make sure the spoilers are alerted, but just sayin’.😉)

BFG (which stands for Big Friendly Giant, in case you were wondering) is one of those books-to-movies films that either hit the nail on the head or fall short by a thousand miles. Since I haven’t ever read the book, I can’t tell you which that is, so judge for yourself. 🙂



  1. Language-none, at least that I caught. If there was any, it’s probably British cuss words like “bl****” and the like. 🙂

  2. Sexual-none. As in zero, zip, zilch, nada. I find that refreshing, especially since the story is about a little girl and an old giant, so there shouldn’t be anything romantic at all anyway. Yay!


  1. Drinking-we do see a few drunks staggering about in the streets in front of Sophie’s orphanage. The issue isn’t addressed as far as I can remember (I took notes while I watched it, but I write a lot slower than the movie happens XD), but none of the protagonists drink alcohol – unless frobscottle has alcohol in it. 😉

  2. Magic/wtichcraft-in the beginning of the movie, Sophie mentions the “witching hour”, where children disappear. Some think it’s at midnight, or at 1:00 am, but she believes it’s at 3:00 am, when she’s the only one awake. That’s as far as it elaborates.

  3. Violence-the violence in here might be a bit much for younger kids. (SPOILER ALERT!!) The main plot is based of of several giants’ thirst for human flesh and blood (as their names attest), and the climax is set off by the giants venturing into the human world to find some prey. Sophie experiences almost being eaten on more than one occasion. (SPOILER END!!) Once (and intended for humor, I’m sure), two giants wake up from a dream, point at one another, and wail, “You is a cannibal!” However, we don’t ever see blood or anything gory – the general idea and a spooky story about a human child found in Giant Country and eaten is about as far as it goes. So use discretion.🙃

  4. Religion-one of the last lines in the movie is Sophie narrating. “When I’m lonely… I talk to him, ’cause he hears all the secret whisperings of the world.” I think that’s a beautiful phrase, but unfortunately, Sophie uses it to describe the BFG instead of God.

I’m not sure if this is a nod to God or just some phrasing that happened to reflect God’s character, but it’s something to think about. 😉


  1. There is a quite a bit of bathroom humor (look up “BFG frobscottle and queen scene” and you’ll see what I mean). I personally don’t find it offensive, but I don’t find it funny either. *shrugs*



  1. Over and over throughout the film, Sophie tells herself to be brave. She reminds the BFG of that too – helping him overcome his fear of his brothers, of the queen, even of humans in general in order to bring about the greater good. This is the most major theme I caught, and it’s a good one. *grins*

  2. As a Christian, I believe that we are called to “turn the other cheek” when someone does something to hurt us. However, I also believe that there comes a time when God calls us to fight for him and for others. This film’s messages on standing up for yourself and for others kinda reflects that, and BFG’s attempts to protect Sophie are both valiant and inspiring. 🙂


  1. “They take, so’s I give back: my dreams.” That’s what the BFG tells Sophie (SPOILER ALERT!!) after she scolds him for not defending himself against his brother. Personally, I saw just a tad of vengefulness here. God said that vengeance is his (Deuteronomy 32:35, Proverbs 20:22). Sure, the revenge may taste sweet for the time, but even if you’re forgiven, that’s God’s job, not yours. You never know how he might use your odd meekness to work in someone’s heart. 😉

  2. There was just a tad of that really-annoying-and-very-untrue “follow your heart’s desire” message in here. I can’t remember where and my notes are lacking, so I’ll leave it up to you to find it. 😉 Just beware.



  1. Kindness-both the BFG and Sophie show each other kindness. (SPOILER ALERT!!) Instead of killing her to keep his secret safe, the BFG takes her to his home and cares for her every need – from food to clothing to showers to protection. (SPOILER END!!) He risks everything for her, and she risks everything for him (and others) in return.

  2. Bravery-did I mention how courage seemed to be a big theme in this movie? Whelp, the morals of these characters reflect that, too. Sophie is brave in that reckless, foolish way, and the BFG is timid and fearful, but learns to be brave. The message of bravery and Sophie’s daring inspired me nearly as much as the BFG’s sacrifices to protect her. 🙂

  3. Mercy-once again, certain characters had the opportunity to kill others, (SPOILER ALERT!!)(i.e. the queen could’ve ordered the giants to be killed instead of relocated, the BFG could’ve killed Sophie instead of taken her in, etc.) but didn’t. Not only that, but they show mercy in other, smaller ways. *applauds Disney for that*


  1. Disobedience/defiance-Sophie has both of these traits. She sneaks out of her room at night, reads under the covers at night (totally never done that), and is generally rebellious and defiant. Her boldness isn’t portrayed as bad, though – it’s seen as “bravery”, and one of the ways Sophie and the BFG are foils for one another. So maybe be a bit careful about that – after all, we’re supposed to honor those put in authority over us, not defy them. 🙂

Techy Stuff


  1. The filming here was beautiful – a gorgeous mix of live-action and animation. I mean, just look at this!

  1. The plot and characters were all good – suspenseful, three-dimensional (hey, that rhymed!), you name it. There were a couple twists that I saw coming, but many that I didn’t. 😉 Not to mention the music is awesome… 😀


  1. None that I noticed – Disney tends to do a pretty good job on the technical end of things. 😉

Wrap Up

*wipes forehead* There you have it, y’all! Have you seen the BFG? Did you agree with my evaluation? Did I miss anything, or put two and two together to come up with six? ISN’T DREAM LAND BEAUTIFUL!!?!?

Here’s the trailer, if you’re interested. 😉

Ok, enough ranting. Take courage, pursue God, and smile whie you still have teeth! 😉

(P.S. Those two posts I mentioned last week are finally out – that’s why you’ve gotten so many emails from The Pen Inspired lately. 🙂 Sorry!)

(P.P.S. There weren’t enough Mondays in this month for me to do all three parts of the plotting series along with this review and the Raya review I didn’t get to last month. Which means I’m going to try and grind out another post this week – part two of Christine Smith’s Know the Novel linkup! I’m excited about it, so y’all will just have to forgive my hectic posting schedule. 😉 If I don’t get it out this week, then that’l be next week’s post. God bless!)

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