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Story Day - Fortune & Wanderer

Once again, the story for today was so short I decided to give y'all another one along with it. You're welcome. XD

The Prompt

This was the tenth day of Inktober. The prompt was fortune. This one is ridiculously short - not even 150 words - which is why you get another two in the same day. XP

The Story

Of course it was I who had the misfortune of being thrown at a train.

It wasn’t my fault, though. Not really. I didn’t know Boisvert got that stupid when he was mad. And I didn’t know he could pick me up. And how was I supposed to know that insulting his childhood kitten would make him upset? 

Luckily for me, though, the train just swerved around me with a few shrill whistles as the kids being towed behind it laughed and gaped at me with ice cream all over their bug-eyed faces.

I picked myself up and bowed. A few laughed and one clapped for a second before he realized he was the only one.

Boisvert wasn’t nearly so easy to please.

I sighed. Such was my misfortune.

The Prompt

This was from the eleventh day of Inktober. The prompt was wanderer.

The Story

I hooked my thumb under the strap of my backpack and squinted into the pouring rain. Water dripped inside my oilskin wrap, completely destroying the purpose of the thing. No matter. The train would be here soon, and I would survive being wet.

A whistle shrieked twice. The people at the station leaned forward against the rails, waiting, busy. Children waved as the train flew in, coming to a smooth but abrupt halt right in front of the platform. I cocked my hooded head at it as people stepped off and on, the conductor reminding every single one to watch their step as they adjusted from the hovering craft to solid ground once again.

The raindrops grew smaller, pelting any exposed skin like needles.

I was the last person on the train. The conductor couldn’t seem to help staring at me, lips frozen in a half-spoken, “Watch your step”, as I entered with a swirl of dripping oilskin, my hood shrouding my face. I knew what he was thinking - what they all were thinking. They all distrusted me.

The train glided forward on its magnets, quickening its pace to a rush so fast it would tear skin from bone were we not safely inside. Or not so safely. Wrecks from these things killed thousands.

I found a seat in the back, next to the window, and pulled my knife from the insides of my wrap. It was merely a small paring knife, but everyone stared at it like they were afraid I would use it to cut them all to ribbons. I felt my mouth twitch into the smallest of smiles. It was for apples, not people. 

That was when the whispers started. “It’s the Wanderer.”

“The Wanderer is here.”

“Mama, is he going to hurt us?”

“Hush now.”




I didn’t respond. Their gossip was false, but people were foolish creatures. They’d believe the worst about people, whatever provided the most juicy story, regardless of facts or feelings or reliability of source.

It didn’t bother me. All I cared about was that they left me alone, in peace, and that I could live my life without any attachment to any.

Never again.

I snapped the knife closed.

Wanderer I was, and Wanderer I would always be to these people. They’d never known me and never would. No one would. Never again.

The train slowed. People poured out of the doors like the rain, huddling close to one another and away from me. I got to my feet and followed them out, leaving space between me and the mother and daughter in front of me, twirling my closed knife through my fingers.

“Watch your step,” the conductor told the mother and daughter, tipping his hat. His fingers were tight. He was nervous. He’d been waiting for me.

When I stepped off, I tipped the hood of my cloak at him in unison with his motion. “Thank you.”

He didn’t respond, just stared at me as I stepped into the rain and disappeared around a corner.

Rain dripped inside my oilskin.


Heh, I love moody, mysterious characters that enjoy their reputation to the fullest. XP

Until next time,

Take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teeth!! ^_^


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