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Author Interview: Micah Collier

In case y’all haven’t noticed, I’m starting to spotlight other young writers every month through interviews, book spotlights, cover reveals, and more. If you have noticed, good job! Your suspicions are now confirmed. ;P

Today’s interview is with Micah Collier, a guy I met through The Young Writer’s Workshop. Micah loves Jesus with everything in him and I’m so excited to share his advice with you. Let’s dive in!

The Interview

Hey, Micah! Thanks for agreeing to do this interview with me! Let’s kick things off by getting to know you a bit better. 😉 Tell us a bit about yourself – what genre you like to read/write, where we can find you online, and what (assuming you have one) your garden looks like.

Hello there, and yes, of course! I’m sixteen, I have four younger sisters, and I believe in Jesus as my LORD and Savior. My favorite genres are action, adventure, fantasy, and fiction in general. My website is the MiCalling blog, where I post writing, life, faith, poetry, and encouragement. For a garden, my mohawk would be the closest I have to a garden. It can be bushy, and I can shape it too!

XD Why did you go into writing? Do you plan for it to be a hobby or career, or something else?

I started taking writing seriously this year because The Young Writer’s Workshop inspired me, and I guess it’s the path God is leading me on. I hope writing can soon become a career for me.

I love Ydubs. xD What are your current projects?

My projects are Zest Adventures On Zeppadar Book 6: Infection Part Two: A Game of Hiding & Finding, The Adventures of Georgie, Micah Starwars: The Jedi Return Book 2: Infiltration, and Ineffable Expeditions on Illesolocar: Crushed.

Ooh , interesting!! What is your favorite thing about writing? Least favorite?

I love the freedom I have in writing adventures, characters, and adore combat scenes. I haven’t experience much of second drafts and intense editing, yet, so I’m not sure. However, I’m not fond of feeling demotivated or bummed if I couldn’t write when I wanted.

Oof, saaaame. Ok, don’t hate me for this, but do you have a favorite character? Why or why not?

I would never! 😅 I don’t have a favorite character from books other than mine, so Mark, Micah-Rai Collier, and Georgie are my favorites.

I feel ya. Why do you believe stories matter?

God bestowed me with a gift to create them, and I want to please Him with it.

Mm, that’s awesome! What is something you’re passionate about sharing with other people through your stories?

God has helped me discover that I want to His speak life through my stories, so I hope to write about themes, morals, and problems that Christianity covers or solves.

Good for you!! You’ve got a lot of books ahead of you. ;P Would you recommend writing to other people? Why or why not? 

I don’t believe it’s for everyone, but I might recommend it because of the enjoyment it brings and the magnificent creativity it brews.

Mm, very true. I love the creative end of things. 🙂 Do you have a favorite trope? If so, do tell!

I don’t believe I’ve paid enough attention to them when I was younger (and when I read ten times more often) to know what my favorite would be now.

Sometimes I wish I still had time to read that much. XD Last but not least, if you were on your deathbed and you could only impart one bit of wisdom to a budding author before you died, what would it be?

I would tell them that if they commit their work to the LORD, their labor would never be vain. (1 Corinthians 15:58)

That is beautiful. Thanks so much for joining me!!

What are your thoughts? Why do you write? What is your favorite trope? Who is your favorite character from your own works? If you were on your deathbed, what advice would you impart?

Until next time,

Take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teeth!!


(P.S. Sorry for the lateness of the post. I went camping with my family yesterday and did not have the energy to post, even though Micah did most of the work. XD)

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