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Never Have I Ever Tag


Yessiree!! Joelle is doing three posts this week! Does this mean I’m spamming you? Probably. Did I warn you? Yes. >:)

So! This will be my tag post for the week. Thanks to Chloe for tagging me!! I had really been wanting to do this tag and was beginning to consider just stealing it when she saved my bacon. 😛 Let’s hear it for Chloe! *whoops and cheers*

*claps hands together* Now! On to the tag!

Da Rules

-Link and thank the blogger who tagged you. (Thanks so much, Chloe!!)

-Include the graphic somewhere in the post (or make your own!)

-Answer the questions truthfully and honestly.

-Tag 3 bloggers.

Da Questions Statements

Never have I ever…

…started a novel that I didn’t finish.

Uh, yes. If y’all could see my Google Drive folder right now, you’d be horrified by the sheer amount of unfinished novels. Not to mention all the notebooks… oh yeah, and that one story I promised my sibling for his/her birthday and have yet to get ten pages in to. XD

…written a story completely by hand.

Yes, so many times. XD Actually I wrote my first novel by hand. Lemme tell you, y’all, 200 pages is a LOOOTTT easier on the computer than it is by hand – especially when you have to read it later. XD

…changed tenses midway through a story.

Actually, no. I usually write in third person past-tense, and if I’m not writing in that then I’m usually writing in first person past-tense. XD So not a big problem for me, though the occasional word here and there swaps tenses on accident.

…not researched anything before starting a story.

YES. SO MUCH. Honestly, I do the most minimum amount of research I can before starting, then research as I go. 😛 Research and I don’t exactly get along. Which might be why I write fantasy… XD

…changed my protagonist’s name halfway through a draft.

Yes. Like… consistently. It started out with me just wanting to rename someone because their name was something like “Alex” and I wanted a more fantasy-like name like “Rebere”. Do I have an entire, uh… *goes to find it* seven-page document just so I could figure out the best names for a handful of characters? Am I cataloging all of the names in the Old Testament that I can find? Am I writing a first draft I’ve been planning out for six months and now deciding that I want to change the MC’s name?


…written a story in a month or less.

Story… or novel? ‘Cause if someone can churn out a full-length novel in one month or less, they have my undying respect and awe. 😛 I have come up with a novella in less than a month, once, and I tend to write microfiction/short stories within a day or a week at most.

…fallen asleep while writing.

Actually, no. I’m always too engaged in my writing to fall asleep, even though sometimes I REEAAALLLY want to. XD

…corrected someone’s grammar IRL/online.


Just kidding.

I’m kinda neutral on the subject, honestly. Sometimes incorrect grammar annoys me, other times I think it’s funny. *shrugs*

…yelled in all caps at myself in the middle of my novel.

*blinks in wonder* No… BUT I AM SO DOING THAT FROM NOW ON

…used “I’m writing” as an excuse.


Next question!

…killed a character that was based on someone I know in real life.

Ok, I didn’t actually kill her in the story, but… it may or may not have been in the plans and I just didn’t get that far. 😛

…used pop culture references in a story.

I… don’t think so? I’m not educated enough in pop culture references to know for sure. XD

…written between the hours of 1 a.m. and 6 a.m.

Yep. I actually finished my first novel (the handwritten one I mentioned at the top) at 3 A.M. Go figure. XD Does anyone else have the problem of thinking the thing you wrote late at night is the best thing EVER, and then waking up and rereading it and chucking it out the window ’cause it was so bad? XD

…drank an entire pot of coffee while writing.

No! Are you people bonkers?!? I can hardly choke down a sip, much less an entire. pot! Not to mention that would totally fry my brain cells. XD

…written down dreams to use in potential novels.

*coughs* *looks at ATOTB* *coughs again and looks away*

Pretty much all of my stories were inspired by dreams… 😛

…published an unedited story on the internet/blog/Wattpad.

If you’ve been around here very long, you know the answer to this is YES. If you’re new, you just learned that. 😛

…procrastinated homework because I wanted to write.

OH YES SO MUCH!! And then I got writing added to my school (I’m homeschooled), so now I get to write and not have to worry about it officially being procrastination. B-)

…typed so long that my wrists hurt.

*glances at wrists* Yeeesss. *needs to stop writing now and do something else XD*

…spilled a drink on my laptop while writing.

OY YES. I AM SO CLUMSY Y’ALL! I’ve always been able to salvage my computer, though the drink usually dies. 😉

…forgotten to save my work/draft.

*sheepish look* Yeeeesss so many times!!!!! Thank God for automatic saving these days. XD

…finished a novel.

Yep! I’ve finished three and am working on my fourth. 🙂 It’s a blast to write THE END in the biggest, bestest font you can find.

…laughed like an evil villain while writing a scene.

*cackles* Ohhhh yes. A scene for The Caretaker actually comes to mind… y’all are doomed. 😛

…cried while writing a scene.

Mmmm… I actually don’t think so. I’ve definitely come close, though.

…created maps of my fictional worlds.

Check out the art galleries, y’all, if you really want to know the answer. 😛

…researched something shady for a novel.

…Shady how? ‘Cause I’ve definitely researched a lot of medical stuff and learned all sorts of gory details, but nothing else too terribly “shady” comes to mind.

Da Tags

Well, y’all, that was a BLAST!! Now three lucky bloggers also get to do it… 😛

Saraina @SarainaWhitney

Pearl Fretz @TheHomeschooledGirl


Good luck, girls, and have fun!

Wrap Up

There you have it: my tag for the week! If you’re reading this and it looks like fun to do on your own blog, go ahead and snag it – both legally and officially, as a bonus! 😉 If you don’t have a blog but it still looks fun, answer the questions in the comments below. 😛 Thanks for reading!

Until next time,

Take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teeth! 😀


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