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Q&A with Rue Arrow

I’ve got a really special treat for y’all today: a Q&A with the lovely Rue Arrow, a teenager with a “do hard things” mindset who is truly inspiring!

Now, in case you don’t understand the difference between a Q&A and author interview (like I didn’t before Rue got a hold of me XD), it’s simple. An interview is focused on the author. A Q&A is focused on a topic. So! I asked Rue ten questions on the topic of doing hard thing (check out this fantabulous book if you don’t know what I’m talking about), and she gave me some stunning answers. Let’s dive in, shall we?

Do Hard Things: a Q&A with Rue Arrow

Hey Rue, welcome to the Penmaiden! I’m so excited to discuss teenagers doing hard things with you today. Tell us a bit about yourself – your hobbies, your faith, what inspired you to do hard things, etc. 

Hello! Thank you for having me! I’m a missionary in West Africa and I love Jesus, sunflowers, rainy days, music, writing, and being with my amazing family. My faith is a fundamental part of who I am—my identity and value come from Christ and I aim for my life to reflect Him. I’m still a messy sinner just like everyone else, but God’s love brings beauty to the broken.

As far as what inspires me to do hard things, I have only one answer and that is Jesus. Like I said above, I’m pretty messed up without Him—we all are. Sometimes it takes seeing the bigger picture, realizing that God isn’t done with this broken world, to find the courage to stand up. Personally, it took my acknowledging that God doesn’t need me, but He’ll use me if I’m willing, for me to start actively seeking ways to do hard things for His glory.

What does “do hard things” mean to you, personally?

To me, doing hard things means stepping out of my comfort zone and following God’s lead no matter how crazy, how scary, or how ridiculous it may seem. Everyone has different barriers around their comfort zone, but we all have one, and we all hate stepping outside of it. Quite simply because it’s uncomfortable—and who wants that? The hard truth is that following Jesus is uncomfortable. Sometimes He calls us to tasks we deem impossible or situations that make us cringe just at the thought. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a large task, just something that pushes you in ways you wouldn’t normally desire or allow.

What is the difference between big hard things and little hard things?

Eyy, this is a very intriguing question. I think oftentimes we try to categorize things in extremes when, really, they cannot always be put under clear labels. I honestly think this is something each person has to determine for themselves. I say this because we are each unique people who weigh different things in varying ways. For example, say there were two hard things to choose from, these being the following: sponsoring two hundred impoverished children or sharing the gospel with a friend. At first glance, the obvious “big hard thing” would be the first one, yes? Sharing the gospel with a friend is still a good hard thing…just not a big one. Right? But the truth is, for some people, opening up that much to someone they are close to is a big deal. And that’s okay.

We each have varying perspectives on big vs small, but at the end of the day any hard thing done for God, no matter the size, is still an obedient and faithful testimony to your King.

Why are both big and small hard things important?

Because you are important, friend. If you are constantly running in circles trying to do the biggest, hardest things…you’ll fall into a self-dug pit. Your emotional health simply can’t keep up with that kind of pressure and chaos. And that is 100% okay. God will use everything you have to offer in His ways and in His timing. And remember, sometimes God uses small things in big ways.

Why is doing hard things in general important?

Ahh, because you were created with a beautiful purpose and so much potential! Yes, we are messy, broken, flawed beings in desperate need of a Savior. But we are also fearfully and wonderfully made. God has a purpose for you life, and mine. You are here for a reason. Each of us are uniquely talented and God will use that. Doing hard things isn’t about our glory. It’s about His glory…because He is oh so deserving of that, wouldn’t you say, friend?

Don’t do hard things because it’s right or because you can or even because you want it to impact others…those are all wonderful reasons, but ultimately, I hope and pray you will do hard things because God is asking you to. Because He has a beautiful mission and purpose for your life. And that life is short. Don’t miss this breathtaking opportunity to live for Him…go all in, friend.

Do you think all teens should be doing hard things, or just those who feel inspired to do them?

Yes! Do hard things! For some of us, our hard things may never be recognized by the world but don’t think that devalues it. It’s all about living for Him. That’s the simple, beautiful truth. Don’t demean your ability to do hard things. If you are willing to live for Him, God will give you the opportunity to do so. Trust me…He always does.

What are some tips for sticking with the hard stuff even when the going gets tough?

For one, give yourself some grace. We’re only human and we will mess up. A lot. Don’t give up, but don’t beat yourself up either. Doing hard things is, understandably, hard. Just take it one step at a time.

Also, remember to lean into your family, Christian community, and, most importantly, God’s word. All of those are wonderful sources of encouragement and support for the days when you want to quit. Just hang in there, friend. It’s not always an easy ride, but it’s so wonderfully worth it.

Do you have any ideas as to hard things we could be doing today as teenagers?

Tell God “yes.”


That’s the best answer I have. It’s the only answer I have. And I truly want each of you to understand how deeply I mean it. There are so many opportunities in your everyday life. So many conversations to have, people to care for, mindsets to change, things to do, ways to help…so many things. But first…you have to say “yes.” You have to be willing to do what He asks of you. You want to do hard things? Start by learning to tell God “yes”…even when it doesn’t make sense.

As far as concrete ideas go, you could do a number of things! Help out at your church, go sing or read at a nursing home, offer to mow your neighbor’s lawn, pass out little gift baggies to the homeless, start a blog or website focused on a theme God has laid on your heart, ask five nonbelieving friends if you can pray for them—there are so many options! Take some time to brainstorm a few ideas and talk with your parents, mentor, or a pastor to see if they have any other thoughts or suggestions!

Anything else you’d like to say?

I touched on this a bit already, but I just want to quickly emphasize the following point: doing hard things without God’s approval is just as bad as doing nothing at all. I truly encourage you, friend…let God lead. Seek God first, not hard things. Yes, be willing, be ready…but don’t create a calling God hasn’t ordained.

The key to doing hard things biblically, is simply learning to tell God yes.

Thank you so much for joining me! I love discussing this topic and you’re a great example of doing hard things.  Keep up the good work!

Eyy, thank you Joelle! It was so lovely chatting with you and working through this important topic!

Rue Arrow is a teenage girl, living as a missionary in West Africa, with a deep passion for Jesus. She loves music, laughter, sunflowers, rainy days, new experiences, and adventures. As a young writer she desires to encourage and challenge the believers around her and point weary hearts to their loving Creator. When she’s not writing she is usually reading, playing an instrument, or goofing off with her siblings. Find out more about her and her passions at

And there you have it! What are your takeaways? Are you inspired to do hard things? Have you read the book, Do Hard Things? What are your big hard things and little hard things, and how can you tackle those?

Until next time,

Take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teeth!!


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