I wrote and posted a story a while back about a kid named Jotham, caught in a savage raid his older brother made against Jotham's family. The story was based off of Judges 3:9-21, which is a very interesting passage that I highly recommend reading if you have a second (which you do, because you're reading this XD).
Every time I read that story, I get caught up in speculation: what did Jotham do after he cursed Abimelech and ran away? What was it like for him to be the only son out of seventy to survive that bloodbath of a night? Did Abimelech ever find him and kill him, or did he consider Jotham to no longer be a threat? Why did Jotham, out of all the unlawful and unfaithful people of his era, speak of God so much when he spoke against his brother's wicked deeds? Did he stay true to God even after running away?
Well. I wrote another fanfiction about the same story. XD This one takes place in the middle of my last fanfiction and ends slightly after the last one does.
The Prompt
Pick any under-developed Bible story that strikes your fancy and write a fanfiction about it. Let your speculation go wild! (I used Judges 9:1-21. Some others I might recommend are Esther 2:5-7 (did you know that about Mordecai or am I the only one who didn't?), Genesis 10:8-12 (the world's first "mighty man"), and the story of Onesimus and Philemon as found in the book of Philemon and other various places (like the end of Colossians, go figure).
The Story
He kept absolutely still as the footsteps got louder, closer. His father was dead, his brothers were dying, his mothers and sisters carried away. He was alone, but if his traitorous brother’s raiders found him, he would soon be dead as well.
No one from the line of Jerubbaal would be allowed to survive.
"Are you sure he had seventy sons?" one man asked. "I don't see anyone else - it's possible he only had sixty-nine."
A death scream ripped through the room, and the young boy fought off the urge to cover his ears. If he did, even the slight sound of his tunic rustling could catch the attention of the men in the room. His heartbeat rose in his throat as he caught the flicker of a torch through the weave of the basket he was hiding beneath.
"Let's keep looking," the second man said, and the torch wavered away. "We don't want to..."
Their voices faded into the sound of crackling fire. Jotham stayed where he was, trying to block out the sounds of his mothers' and sisters' shrieks as they were taken away, or the screams of his brothers as they were slaughtered simply because of their lineage. He wanted to throw up. He needed to throw up. But fear held him frozen in place.
Justice must be served, a small voice whispered in the back of his mind. Justice has to come upon Abimelech for this evil. You must find a way to bring justice to your fallen family.
Shifting ever-so-slightly, Jotham wrapped his arms around his knees and stared at the wall of the basket. A tear slid down his cheek, but he sniffed quietly and wiped it away. If he cried too loud, they would hear him and kill him.
I will tell someone, he thought. If I can get to the mountain, they won't follow me there. Then I can find a nearby village and someone to help me.
I must carry my father's line.
He shivered. I'm scared.
But I know what I have to do. And he lifted the basket.
*shivers* I can't even imagine what it must have been like living back then. Everyone was looking out for themselves and doing what was right in their own eyes, and man, a human's version of "right" is pretty scary.
How about you? Have you ever written a Biblical fan-fiction? If so, what was it about? Do you remember my previous story about Jotham? What is the most interesting underdeveloped Bible story you've ever read?
Until next time,
Take courage, pursue Christ, and smile while you still have teeth!! ^_^
Oh no, poor Jotham!!! 😭 I can't either imagine what it would be like to live back then. *shivers* I've always been hesitant to try Biblical fiction because it feels weird to write dialogue for a person who once really lived (same thing with historical fiction, that's why I haven't yet featured an actual historical figure in my stories, lol)...BUT there are SO MANY amazing ideas just waiting to be told. Especially with these overlooked Biblical characters. You just may convince me to write some. *winks*