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Reblogged: Author Interview with Yours Truly

I promised y’all that I’d do an extra post this week to make up for the one I missed on Monday (heh heh), and Kads has swooped in and saved my bacon (and brain juice). Y’all remember that story I posted a while back that was for a short story contest? Yeah, well, it won (*is still shocked*) and one of the prizes was getting an author interview. So!! Welcome a reblogged post of Kads’, interviewing yours truly with an amazing amount of patience for all my typos/wrong words/weird phrases. XD

Hello, friends! How are you faring this fine day? Today, as part of my short story contest wrap-up, I’m interviewing the first-place winner, the wonderful Joelle Stone! (I know, I know, I should have done this like three months ago. 🤦‍♀️)

For those of you who haven’t read Joelle’s story yet, please do so here! In this interview, I’ll be asking her some questions pertaining to writing and her short story. Let’s dive in!


How long have you been writing for?

About eight years now (wow, that makes me sound so old XD). I only started seriously writing two or three years ago, though, so take your pick from the answers.

What was the first thing you ever wrote about?

*winces* Y’all… you REALLY don’t want to know. XD It’s sooooo bad. *glances at book* Uh… welp, it was about a family of jaguars. James and Janet…

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