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Single Line Story Challenge Tag


Yeesh, whoever came up with that gihugic title is a lot like me. XD But it tells the whole deal pretty well, I suppose. You see, Grace Johnson over at Of Blades and Thorns tagged me for this thing, and I’m not quite sure how I’m going to do better than she did.

“Stop rambling, Joelle!” you say. “What even is this thing? ‘Cause I want to go to bed, and I’m trying to decide if this post is worth my time.”

The answer to that is simply this: probably not. BUT if you happen to be trying to procrastinate going to bed, this is the ticket for you!

Just kidding. Go to bed. This means you, Louise Taylor of Bookish Productions.

But to answer your previous question, this is a tag where I get to write a single-line story about any of the listed genres. Which means I actually have to use my brain cells. *makes doubtful face* However, I’m gonna do this a bit differently if y’all over at wherever-this-tag-was-made don’t mind: I’m going to come up with prompts for these genres. After all, this blog isn’t just about broadcasting my own horrible superb writing skills – it’s about helping you grow as a writer too! Which means giving you prompts. To get you excited. To exhort you to great words. To breathe life into your imagination.

I hope you got what I’m getting at. Otherwise I’m going to feel unaccomplished. 😛

But yes! My goal here is to inspire you to write some awesome stuff! So grab the nearest notebook or document and prepare to be amazed. *winks*

Wow, I think that’s the longest intro I’ve ever written for a tag. Just goes to show you how tired my brain is. XD


  1. Thank the person who nominated you. (Many thanks, Grace! This looks like a great tag and I can’t wait to do it!!)

  2. Write 5 single line stories that fall under any of these genres (you can pick which ones you do!):

  3. fantasy

  4. romance

  5. thriller

  6. mystery

  7. western

  8. contemporary

  9. historical

  10. drama

  11. dystopian

  12. adventure

  13. sci-fi

  14. paranormal

  15. young adult

  16. You can choose 5 genres that’s easiest for you, or you can challenge yourself to try something new! (Yeah… I’m going to do five plus a new one that I’ve never heard of. So!)

  17. Nominate 5 blogger/writers who you’d love to see participate and leave an open nomination for all writers!

  18. You can do this challenge more than once.

Stories Prompts


Having wings or scales or being able to breathe fire is normal in my world. Having the ability to speak is something rare.


Every time I tried to talk with her, she’d hide her loathing beneath civil words or ignore me all together. Every time we had to work together, she avoided touching me. And every time our eyes accidentally met, hers were full of a burning fire. She hated me. But I loved her.

(Yeaaahhh… I’ve never tried romance before. XD)


My heart leapt into my throat. Mame had always said to STAY IN THE HOUSE at night, and I’d always obeyed. Until now.


I pulled my vibrating phone from my pocket, scanning the text from an unknown number: We know where you are. And we’re coming for you.


I was there the day Jonathon died.

(Yep, that’s all your getting – except for a hint that this story is from the end of 1 Samuel. ;))


(This is my new genre – I just looked it up a second ago and am going on what I learned.)

A blood-curdling howl sent shivers shimmying down my spine. Dad had never warned me about this before, and now I had to face them on my own. All of them.

Wrap Up

Yes, yes, I know I didn’t really stick with the whole “one-liner” rule too well…. I’ve never been the best at condensing. Sorry. 😉

BUT! I hope you got something out of those prompts and your brain cells are whirring like crazy!! Let me know in the comments what stories you think could go along with these, or your own answers to the tag. Actually, let me rephrase this: I’m tagging you! If you have a blog, or if you write anything from tech manuals to epic fantasies, you are tagged. Stretch your imagination, and don’t forget to take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teeth! 😉

(P.S. Louise & Twi, Vanessa Hall, Daniel Amador, Moriah Armstrong, and Sisters Three – consider yourselves officially tagged. ;))

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