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Story Day!!

This is it! The big day where you guys get to read Grace Johnson’s winning story!!! You guys. This was so. good. The chilling descriptions, the unexpected turns, the clear-cut uniqueness of every character… well, you’ll see what I mean. I won’t hold you up! Presenting…. *drumroll please* Grace’s story!

(P.S. Yes, I know this is a couple days late. I just got back from a 2-week camp on Friday and was too exhausted to mess with my blog on Saturday, then too busy on Sunday. So here we are. XD Today you’ll get Grace’s story and Emily’s author interview, then I’ll post my usual book review next week and try to catch up from there. Thanks for sticking with me!)

Grace’s Story

You captured Jazmen Peg, the most notorious seafaring rebel in the empire?” Tendrils of granite curled around the empress’ irises, carving them into stone as she leveled her hard, disbelieving glare at me, her finger flicked toward the hand I’d braced on Peg’s back.

As much as I wanted to roll my eyes at the empress, I held myself in check, tightening my grip on Peg’s slumped shoulder. “Yes, Empress Aglaia.”

She let out a low chuckle, one that would’ve been music to my ears had it not been released in derision. “I should not find that so hard to believe, Sir Wyman, but alas. You have struggled thus far to complete even your guardsman’s duties; how could I expect you to have seized our elusive enemy? Tell me—” she leaned forward, elbows on her knees, and smiled at me “—who helped you?”

Pride—and no small amount of ire—stiffened my spine and raised my chin. “None but I, Empress.”

“Is this true, Peg?”

The pirate didn’t so much as tilt his head toward the empress, which was not surprising for the rebel scum, as he mumbled a rather caustic “indeed” under his breath.

The granite in Empress Aglaia’s eyes melted into a smoldering flame as she rose from her throne and crossed to where Peg knelt on the ground. She snagged his hair and jerked his head up, backhanding him across the face with a resounding smack. “Speak up when I inquire of you, fool!”

I edged backward as Peg’s body rocked from the impact and he spewed blood on the ground. “Aye, Empress, ‘tis truth he speaks.”

And it was, whether the empress believed the word of a pirate or not. It had been chance that deposited Peg in my path, as I’d been tasked with guarding the Imperial Navy’s fastest frigate, the Charity, whilst it resided at harbor. It was this very ship that Peg himself had boarded under the cover of night, attempting to “commandeer” it, so he’d remarked, without foreknowledge of my presence. Suffice to say his ignorance had done him in more so than my cunning.

So perhaps then the empress was right in assuming I’d had assistance.

Empress Aglaia turned to stride back to her throne, pausing halfway there to pin me with a different look—one of veiled admiration and gratitude. “You may take him to the dungeons, where he will await the gallows, Sir Wyman.”

Releasing a shuddering breath, I snatched Peg up and dragged him to the far end of the room. She believed me. Somehow, she believed me.

“And Sir Wyman?”

I halted, glancing back at her. “Yes, Empress?”

“What do I owe you for this great service rendered unto my empire? Whatever you name, ‘tis yours.”

Peg nearly dropped to the floor as shock—and pleasure—crashed over me. Whatever I named, eh?

With my mouth upturned, I swept my gaze over the empress. “I ask for but one thing: your hand in marriage.”

About the Author

Grace A. Johnson is a teenage Christian fiction authoress, book reviewer, and avid reader. She lives in beautiful (but humid) South Georgia, surrounded by farmland and forestry, with her parents and six younger siblings. She has written four novels, three of which are published, and a smattering of short stories and novellas, which you can find on Amazon. She’s also a homeschooler who loves learning about history, linguistics, art, and the world around her. You can find her on Goodreads, Pinterest, BookBub, or blogging on her website at Join her for a virtual cup of tea and a free preview of her debut novel when you sign up for her e-newsletter!

I know, I know!!! That cliffhanger is superb. What were your guys’ thoughts? Think this was the right story to choose for first place? What do you think Empress Aglaia is going to do? Who is your favorite character – Peg, Aglaia, or Wyman? Have you enjoyed these stories? Did you notice how this one doesn’t have a title? My fault XD

Well, thank you for reading, you guys!! Congrats again, Grace! All of your guys’ stories were amazing and I had so. much. fun. with this contest. Thinking it might become a yearly thing… 😛 Speaking of which, I forgot to mention this a few weeks ago, but I passed my first blogiversary on June 5th. 😀 SOTP is one year old!!

Until next time,

Take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teeth!! 😀


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