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Story Day - Spiders

With a new year comes a new blogging plan. Which means I decided to start posting stories more often - as in, the last Monday of every month. Which is why you're getting a story today. :)

(In case you're wondering, this does mean that I'm going to stop posting reviews on a schedule. You'll get some here and there, but not consistently. But, the exchange means more stories! So yay for that!)

The Prompt

I'm posting stories from last year's Inktober. This was the prompt for October 2nd: Spiders. Enjoy. :)

The Story


The word was spoken directly into her head and heard by no other, but Shai obeyed without question. She had learned long ago that it belonged to her most snooty but useful friend and companion, one that knew the ins and outs of the most desolate places from its many centuries of wandering. So she skidded to the left and sprinted down the alleyway, beckoning for her friends and brother to follow.

We’re running out of time, Orion. 

I know. We’re close, though. Just keep going a little farther if your pathetic little legs can manage it.

But what if they catch up?

I have no idea. My job was to show you a safehouse, not ensure you get there.

Shai snorted, the sound as ragged as her tortured lungs felt. The aroma of baked pavement, releasing the day’s heat into the cool evening, flooded her nose as the alleyway intersected a narrow neighborhood street.


She turned at her best friend’s whisper-hiss. “What?”

They were stopped, all three of them, gasping for breath. Violet was bent over, holding her stomach with her eyes closed. She looked close to throwing up like she had that first day of basketball season so many years ago.

“We can’t go any further,” Rory, her younger brother, panted. “Where are you taking us?”

It’s not that far, Orion muttered. He sounded offended.

“It’s not far,” Shai repeated. “But we have to hurry. They’re catching up.”

“Ok, I’m lost.” Ari, her best friend, squeezed her side and grimaced. “Why are we running? Who are ‘they’?”

Shai hesitated.

Tell them the truth.

She sighed. “Truth is… we’re running from something that would make you scream and panic if I told you exactly what it was. If you believed me, anyway. Which… honestly I’m not sure I believe myself.”

Rory frowned and laced his fingers above his head, inhaling deeply. “Yeah, I already think you’re nuts.”

Ouch. Orion sniffed. Thanks for that, pipsqueak.

Violet stiffened. “I’d rather find out that you were wrong and run all night then that you were right and deal with… whatever it is you’re talking about.”

Shooting her a grateful smile, Shai sucked in one last precious mouthful of air and turned back around, beginning a slow jog across the street. “C’mon, guys. We’re so close.”

And that was when the giant spider materialized on her right, skittering towards her with every one of its eight eyes fixated on her. She screamed, the sound echoed by Violet, Ari, even Rory. 

We’re going to die! 

Oy. No we’re not - not while I’m on your head, at least. 

Shai’s panicked mind barely registered Orion’s bored speech. She was too busy scrambling backward, tripping over Ari’s sprawled form and trying to follow Violet back the way they came to even notice Orion swing down off her head and dangle her face, waving his little spider legs to get her attention.

Hello? Shai? Are you aware that I’m literally right under your nose?

“RUN, RUN!” Rory was shrieking, backing away as he hurled rocks at the spider, which hissed but advanced slower.

Ari was stone-still with terror, frozen in place where she lay on the ground. Violet was nowhere to be seen. Shai suddenly realized that the screams she was hearing were her own. She shut her mouth and huddled in the shadow of an alleyway as Orion reached out one of his spindly legs and tapped her nose with it.

You with me now?

She gave a shaky nod, trying to focus on his tiny shape instead of Rory dragging Ari off the ground and away or the glowing green eyes searching for her as the spider scuttled nearer, nearer every step.

The safehouse is under the railroad tracks just outside of town. There’s a big dead stump in front of it, you got that? It’s big, and wooden, and dead. 

Shai nodded again, not even noticing his condescension. 

Great. Let your friends know, then hold out your hand. I need a good stage if I’m going to scold Longlegs over there.

Trembling, Shai ducked out of the shadows. The approaching spider’s gaze was instantly riveted on her as it hissed and skittered towards her, brushing past Rory and Ari with nary a glance. 

Shai held out her hand and Orion lowered himself onto her arm, then began the agonizingly long journey across her sweater to her palm.

“Get to the railroad tracks,” she said, her voice neither loud enough to be commanding nor quiet enough to be missed. “Rory, get Ari to the railroad tracks. There’s a big dead stump. It’s behind that. Find Violet.”

Orion was on her palm by the time she finished her instructions. His tiny crab spider body glowed green in the moonlight as he cleared his throat importantly, slowing the giant spider with its sound. The eight eyes narrowed as it moved closer, slowly. Shai struggled to control herself, aware how much her fingers were trembling. He’s so close!

It’s a she, thank you, and I’m aware of that. I am not an idiot.

Rory was edging along the building behind him, Ari on his tail. Her face was white as she stared at the hairy, bulbous form that now towered over her best friend, mere feet from her fingers. If it - she - wanted to, she could reach out and gobble Shai’s whole forearm, Orion and all, in one movement.

But she didn’t. She stood, frozen, as Orion raised himself importantly on all eight legs and cleared his throat again.

I suggest you close your eyes, Shai. Unless you want to be blinded like last time.

“You’re kidding.”

His voice returned to its offended tones. Do I look like I’m kidding?

She couldn't tell, but she squeezed her eyes shut anyway and screamed for Rory and Ari to do the same.

And Orion exploded with light.


I find spiders to be one of the most fascinating creatures on this planet, so writing a character who was afraid of them was harder than I thought. But I think this one turned out pretty well. Plus it was fun having a snooty, offendable, telepathic crab spider as a side character. :P

What are your thoughts? Where did the story go from here? Are you afraid of spiders? What's one of your irrational fears?

Until next time,

Take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teeth!!


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Excellent. Very excellent.

I would love some more of these guys, if you ever take the notion...

(And I, unfortunately, am terrified of spiders once they exceed a certain size. Let's just say there's a corner of the basement I will never again enter, and leave it at that, shall we? 😉)

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Oh no XDD I wonder how long it was planning your doom... xD


I despise spiders BUT THIS WAS SO FUN! Those snarky lines are just *chef's kiss* 🤣

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Hehe, thank you, Saraina!!


I am TERRIFIED of spiders. But we don't need to talk about that. XD

Interesting... me wants to know more about these characters... 🤔

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We have found your Ghost. 🤣


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