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The Blography Tag, Precious

I have something to admit: I’ve been tagged for this twice now. And the first time was a MONTH ago. #professionalprocrastinator XD Ergo, today you get the I’m-betting-it’ll-be-oober-difficult Blography Tag!

(Update (after writing the post): That actually wasn’t as hard as I thought. XD)

Shall we begin?

The Ruleses, Precious

(I’m in a Gollum mood, give me a break XD)

  1. Link back to the original site.

  2. Mention the one who tagged you (Just mention?!? Oh, ok: Grace & Vanessa) (JK – thanks for tagging me, girls!! This looks like so much fun, and apologies for keeping you waiting ;))

  3. Write an autobiography in seven words.

  4. For this, they do not need to form a complete sentence.

  5. To make it more interesting, answer seven seven-word questions.

  6. Tag seven other bloggers.

  7. Think of seven seven-word questions, or use the same ones as you answered.

The Seven Wordses, Precious

This was tough. I’m gonna go with John Calvin’s (modified to make it 7 words) motto: “Ready and wholehearted work for my Lord”.

Though, to be honest, this also fits me pretty well: “Beloved daughter of the King of kings”. 😉

The Questionses, Precious (from Grace

What seven words would best describe you?

Hm. I’m gonna go with “playful, loved, gifted, saved by grace, and (<– that doesn’t count!) ENFP.” ‘Cause, I mean, that last one pretty much describes me. totally doesn’t count as cheating

Where would you spend your last days?

With my family, in a bright room with flowers on the windowsill and lots of laughter in the hall. Either that or somewhere in the mountains/by the ocean.

Who would write your biography for you?

No one. XD Seriously, I know about two writers in real life and I don’t think either of them would want to write a story about my life. 😛

What would you would title your story?

Man, I hate titles. Maybe, “One Million Smiles”, due to a goal I have. 😉

What is your biggest regret in life? (I know that’s a tough one, sorry.)

(No problem. ;)) Uh… I haven’t really begun living yet, so probably not going and talking/sitting with someone who looked like they needed a friend. 😦

Who would you write a biography about?

UH. 0_0 I’m not the biggest biography fan… *coughs* I’d probably end up with Andrew Peterson or one of my grandparents. 🙂

How would you describe your life story?

Considering that my life story has not yet come even close to drawing to a close (I don’t think XD), I honestly don’t know. Probably something like “Learning and growing in God”. I seriously have no clue. 😛

Thanks so much for that, Grace! That was a lot of fun. 😉

More Questionses, Precious (from Vanessa (kinda))

(A word of background: these are actually from E.G. Bella, who got them from Miles, the Blography Tag creator. Vanessa said just to use these, so I shall. :))

Starting simple, what’s your happiest childhood memory?

Oof. I have so many it’s hard to choose just one (especially since I’m still in my childhood, ha ha). Some of my favorites are the day(s) I played house with my siblings – we made “walls” out of the leaves that had fallen from this great big maple outside and brought out our toys and all sorts of fun stuff.

Another is a lot more general: the Sundays when I’d be so excited when church would end because then we headed to my grandparent’s house for lunch – usually tacos. 😋

Which age would you choose to revisit?

Twelve, definitely. Best age EVER, which was good, ’cause thirteen was like the worst age EVER. So. 😉 (Though ten was pretty swaggy too…)

How would you have your biography end?

“And so, Joelle Stone drifted beyond the veil separating these worlds and is, even now, rejoicing with the greatest Author of eternity: her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”


What would you name the current chapter?

Question is, when does this chapter begin and when does it end? XD Erm… probably “Growing Up”. 😦

Who would you write a biography about?

Already answered! (See Grace’s question)

What are seven of your favourite (auto)biographies?


Sorry. *coughs*

I honestly haven’t read that many biographies. Like maybe I’ve read ten in my life, and I can only remember a couple. I really love the story of Amy Carmichael, though – I’ve read her biography so many times…

How have those biographies affected your life?

Amy Carmichael? Every time I finish it, I’m ready to pack my bags and move to India as a missionary without knowing a single word in any of their dialects. XD Good thing I’m not old enough to do that yet, or I’d probably be dead within the week. 😛

Thanks for tagging me, Vanessa! This tag was a lot more fun than I expected. 😉

Our Questionses, Precious

(Yes, I’m STILL in the Gollum mood)

I’m gonna be lazy here and tell you to use the ones I answered (mostly ’cause I would repeat them anyway – well, that and I don’t think my brain can handle coming up with seven seven-word questions without overheating XD). Pick seven of your own from the list up there, and answer ’em!

The Tageeses, Precious

Wow. Tageeses. Say that out loud. XD

Anyway, down to business:

The Trio – Teen Writer’s Nook

Kads – Your Writerly Friend, Kads (SHE’S GOT A WRITING CONTEST GOING ON, Y’ALL!!! *squealz*)

The Duo – Bookish Productions

Uh… three more… huh… I know I’m forgetting someone… 😛


Sisters Three – Naturally Curious

Malunky (IDK if you even do tags XD)


Wrap Upses, Precious

Well, y’all, that’s a wrap! 😉 If you wanna do this tag, then just go ahead and snag it, then let me know where you did it in the comments so I can come read it! 😉

Take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teethses (nine, to be exact)!

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