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The Bookworm’s Tag – Part 2!

Yes, yes. I already did this. And did Twi & Louise tag me waaaaaaaaay back in January? Possibly. Very possibly. And am I only now getting around to it? Yes.

You see, I’m very behind in my tags. Which means I’ll probably post another post on Wednesdays until I’m caught up just so I can get caught up. XD No pressure to read them, peeps.

So! This is the beginning of a very epic journey. 😛 Stay tuned until the end for not one, not two, but THREE announcements! (SKIMMERS: if you just want the announcements, go to the “Wrap Up” section and you’ll find ’em there. ;))

Let’s do this!

The Bookworm’s Tag

da rules:

  1. Thank and link the blogger who nominated you. (BOOKISH PRODUCTIONS, Y’ALL ROCK, THX FOR THE TAG!! :P)

  2. Include the tag graphic in your post

  3. Answer the ten questions the blogger asked

  4. Nominate between five and ten bloggers

  5. Ask your nominees ten book-related questions!

  6. Don’t feel bound to these rules

  7. (Most importantly) Have fun!

da questions:

Did you ever read a book twice in a row?

Ok, ok, yes. Not literally like, turn from the end of page back to page one, but I have picked it up again a couple days later with no other books in between. XD

What would you retitle a book you like and why?

Hm… this was a hard question, seeing as titles are my bane and I like most titles already, but if I absolutely had to pick one, then I’d go with retitling Wingfeather Tales into Tales of Aerwiar or something like that, since very few of the stories have things to do with the Wingfeather Saga to begin with.

Would you buy a book just because the cover is beautiful?

Ok… no. I would be more likely to buy it and more likely to buy it if I haven’t read it, but I’d try and do my research first. I figure if I’d be ashamed of a story my grandparents found on my bookshelf, I wouldn’t own it.

Paperback, hardback, audiobook, or ebook?

Yeah, gonna agree with y’all and say hardbacks win. XD You can’t deform the cover like with a paperback, I read faster than I listen, and ebooks make my eyes hurt. Plus, I could take it everywhere. And it would smell good (probably). So yes, hardcover wins hands down. 😛

What is the name you would choose if you could name the child of a character you like?

AHHH THIS QUESTION!!!!!!!! Man, y’all come up with the BEST questions. XD Like seriously. Um… it’d depend on the world they’re from. If I got to name the child of someone in LOTR, for example, I’d want to do my research on Tolkien’s language and probably would end up picking something Elvish, unless it’s a Dwarven child, ’cause it would just be rude to name a Dwarf something Elvish. Get what I’m saying? However, if it was in Earth, I’d name it something like Brynn (girl) or Ryder (boy). 🙂

When a character says something you don’t like, have you ever mocked them out of annoyance?

Not in books, usually.

In movies? YES. SO MUCH. Actually, I tend to yell more at the writer for crafting such cheesy scripts, but y’know. LIKE DON’T GET ME STARTED ON REVENGE OF THE SITH AND ALL OF ANAKIN/PADME’S LOVE SCENES – like how cheesy can you get!?!?!

What is the ideal length of a series for you?

Four books. Seems to me that if a series goes past four books, it tends to go downhill pretty quick. Four seems to be the story’s prime. 🙂

Have you ever secretly enjoyed a hated cliche?

Seeing as I haven’t done a lot of research on cliches, I don’t think so…? I don’t mind the whole guy-rescues-girl thing, which is highly offensive in today’s culture, but I’m not a big fan of love triangles or villain-was-treated-horrible-as-a-child-which-is-why-he’s-so-mean thing.

What is a series you want to read that is high on your TBR?

*pulls out five-page-long TBR list (to be read, in case you didn’t know ;))* Uh, The Green Ember by S.D. Smith (I read it a long time ago when the books were still coming out and got myself really confuzzled, so I want to set things straight) and The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins are the highest, at the moment.

If you could choose five characters to put in a book together, who would they be and why?


Uh, maybe Han Solo from Star Wars with Legolas and Gimli from Lord of the Rings, Maleficent from Maleficent, and Sage/Jaron from The Ascendance Series. Mostly just ’cause of the diversity of cultures and backgrounds and I want to see how they clash. XD But imagine if they had to save the world together… ooooh… I might have to write something like this now. XD

Da tagees:

I have no idea if most of you do tags or not, so sorry if you don’t. 😛

Da Questions:

Gonna go with Twi and Louise’s questions, ’cause those were pure awesomeness. 😛

Wrap Up/Announcements!

OK! That about wraps that up. However, I did mention three announcements, so I’ll try and get those done ASAP and get out of your hair. 😉


I recently had the pleasure of being published in Grace Johnson’s new literary journal/magazine/thingamabob titled “The Sky’s the Limit”! Catherine Jones and I somehow managed to concoct a poem that was coherent enough to be in there, which was cool. So go check out The Sky’s the Limit website here and the Journal here!


A friend of mine, Annabelle, is going to launch a newsletter once she gets to 100 followers!! So if you want a great writing blog to follow, pop on over there and give her a follow!!!

And finally!

I have been working on my Current Projects and Fun Stuff! pages for a good bit now, and I’m finally close to done! There are still a few things that need to be added and a few kinks that need worked out, but I’m lifting the curtain and letting y’all in. Enjoy!

Ok, I think that just about does it! *wipes forehead* Congrats if you read the whole thing. XD

Until the next post,

Take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teeth!!


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