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The Remarkable Blogger Tag!!

Yes. Story Day now encompasses tags. Because they’re low on my priority list and Mondays are already planned out for the next forever. XD So! Enjoy! 😀

The Things Which Must Be Obeyed

  1. Add the featured image

  2. Tag your post with #theremarkablebloggertag

  3. Pingback to original post

  4. Mention the creator (Simply Selina – never heard of you before this, but your blog looks AMAZING XD)

  5. Share something unique about you

  6. Answer the nine questions the person who nominated you has asked

  7. Ask 9 nine questions for your nominees

  8. Nominate 10 – 15 people (0_0)

  9. Have fun!

The Things Which Must Be Answered

share something unique about you:

*blinks* Hm. I think of people and emotions and concepts in colors. I don’t know why and I don’t know how, but this is how my brain works. XD I also can smell seasons. Don’t ask.

Grace’s Questions

Pineapple on pizza? Yea or nay? (Sorry, I had to.)

NAY. Oy. Grace. Are you NUTS?! Tropical fruits do not belong on Italian foods. *crosses arms*

What was your very first blog post about?

0_0 Uh… I think it was about the five Ws (you know, who, what, when, where, and why). *cringes* No one read that.

Who is your favorite follower? (Hint: there is only one right answer: Grace.) KIDDING KIDDING. (But also not.) My REAL question is…who has been one of your biggest supporters in starting and maintaining a blog?

GRACE! Jk. 😛 Definitely my cowriters for the Super Secret Project That Has Yet To Be Revealed: Rebekah Eremond, Catherine Jones, and Bird’s Rock. You guys have been MONUMENTAL in keeping the Penmaiden alive. 🙂 *takes you all off the execution list for a few hours as a thank you*

What first prompted you to start a blog?

Desire to see if I could do it, annoyance at the trash out there coupled with the decision to make something better, and having heard that blogs are a great way to start a fanbase before you publish, especially if you don’t have social media (*coughs* I don’t XD *cough cough*)

If you could write any post about anything thing, what would it be?

Wait… I can’t write a post about anything? XD Erm… hm. I’m not sure. Definitely something I’m passionate about, so maybe – ooh! guys! I should do a post on MBTI/Enneagram!! – so maybe one on how you’re never alone. ❤

What’s your favorite part about being a blogger? (Probably getting to hang out with me, but you don’t have to say that. I already know how you feel. *winks*)

Definitely getting to hang out with Grace. 😛 Ahem. I mean… seeing y’all’s comments is AMAZING. Plus a blog makes me accountabe for sticking to my deadlines, something I struggle with. And, not gonna lie, the designing part is quite fun. XD

What’s your most favorite blog post EVER (that you’ve written, of course)?

Like… my favorite, or everyone else’s favorite? XD ‘Cause personally, I spent the most blood, sweat, and tears on 3 Traits to Strengthen Your Villain: a LOTR case study. But according to stats, my top post is HEH?! A Guide Through Writer Gobbledygook with 138 views. And honestly, that one was a lot of fun to write, too. 😛

What are your goals for this year? (*coughs* Kinda stealing one of Lucy’s questions here.)

We could be here for a while.

Just kidding. My main goal is to finish the first draft of my current WIP before the end of the year, which could be tough at the rate I’m moving. I’m considering doing NaNoWriMo next month as well (thoughts?), but not sure about that. Also, reaching 150 followers here by 2023 would be swag. 😛 (9 more!)

What’s the wackiest nickname anyone’s ever given you?

Sourcreamella (pronounced with one syllable, BTW). Or Lar-de-dar-dar-dar. Not sure where that came from. XD


I am way too tired to tag anyone. (Vacation, y’all. It does something to the mind. XD) So. If you’re reading this and are to do the tag, save the link and go for it.

My Questions

Who is your least favorite character in all fiction, and why?

Do you have a garden? If so, what does it look like?

What is your MBTI type? Enneagram?

What is your favorite thing to write (i.e. character development, battle scenes, etc.)

Who is your favorite author?

Do you listen to ambiance while writing? Why or why not?

Favorite quote of all time?

Do you eat ranch dressing on pizza?

What is your most popular post? Least popular?

Have fun!

What are your thoughts? Answer any of the questions on this post and lemme know! Are tags on Story Day a good idea? Thanks for reading!

Until next time,

Take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teeth!! 😉


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