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Long story short, yesterday was a rough day. Ergo, I am (once again) a day late with my post. Sorry! I know this is probably one of my most anticipated posts yet, and delaying it is probably going to get me murdered. So let’s move on before I have to go into hiding! ;P

At the beginning of April, I celebrated reaching 100 followers by hosting a short story contest – one that I got so many amazing submissions for that I spent the month of May judging them all! And now that we’re into June, it’s time to announce the winners. >:) Hang on to your hats, folks. This’ll be a long post.

So here’s how this is going to work. I’ll announce the third-place winner first, then the second, then the first. After a lot of celebration for these three peeps, I’ll announce the three runners-up. Because I couldn’t just choose three. XD

And, of course, there’s going to be a lot of suspense. XD

Drumroll, please!

*drumroll begins*

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, may I present…























the third place…




































































DENALI CHRISTIANSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys, Denali’s story was so. good. Vivid, full of rich and beautiful description, and heartachingly true (despite the romance XD). I’m so excited to share her work with y’all on Saturday – you’re going to LOVE it. 🙂

As for our second place winner…














































(You didn’t think it’d be that easy, did you?)























They would be…



































































CONGRATS TO EMILY WALDORF!!!!!!!!! You. Guys. Emily’s poem was superb. The feels, the rhyme, the style to it all was just… chilling, for lack of a better word. You guys are in for a treat when I post it. 🙂 CONGRATS EMILY WELL DONE!!!


For the big one I know y’all are dying to hear.










































































































































*drumroll please*























*ok keep drumming*

























































































GRACE JOHNSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y’all. When I sent the “yay you won” email to Grace, I had zero idea it was her. Honestly, I should have, ’cause her story is just the kind of thing she would write and you’d think I’d be able to pick up on her style by now. XD Imagine my shock when she emailed me back and was like, “And, yes, this is Grace A. Johnson.” XDDD Anywhoodle, her story was PURE. GENIUS. (once again, despite the romance) and I was in awe of it the entire time I read it! You guys are going to LOVE it when I publish it. 🙂 CONGRATULATIONS GRACE ON A STORY WELL WRITTEN!!!!!!!!!!


Our runners up are…























(oh, don’t panic, I won’t make you scroll that much farther)























In no particular order…























Rue Arrow, for her tear-jerking and beautiful story about a teddy bear.

Louise Taylor, for her unique and heart-wrenching story about abortion.

And Rebekah Eremond, for her riveting and vibrant story about a desperate slave.

CONGRATS TO YOU SIX FOR WINNING!! Grace, Emily, Denali, if we haven’t gotten your prizes settled yet, let me know and I’ll get to work on that. (I have this bad habit of forgetting important stuffs like prizes. XD) Rue, Louise, Rebekah, and everyone else who entered, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for entering. Y’all made my day when I tallied up the results and found out I had 20 – 20 – entries for my contest. I was so happy. 🙂 Y’all’s stories were superb, every one of them, and I so enjoyed reading them. Remember, you’re free to post your stories on your own personal sites – blogs, social media, whatever. I claim no copyright. 😉

Finally, until next time,

Take courage, pursue God, AND THANKS SO MUCH FOR ENTERING!!!!


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