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Know the Novel (Part 1)

Updated: Nov 21, 2023

Joelle is not doing so hot today, so this is all the introduction you get. If you want to know more, check out this post from last year. XD

(Also. I am aware that these are supposed to be done in October, November, and December. But I am doing NaNo and can barely string two words together after dumping all my mental energy on my project. Ergo, I’m going to do all three posts during November since they don’t require a lot of brain juice. XD)

Part 1 – Introduction

This year, I’m using Know the Novel to introduce a new, secret project that I’ve hinted at a few times over the past couple of months but never actually revealed. Today is the day, folks!!

Since Guardians of Kulmaine is essentially over, the people I’m writing it with and I decided we wanted a new project that was not a role play, but an actual co-authored novel! Hence, Aqua Vitae was born.

What first sparked the idea for this novel?

Great question! This is not my idea, actually. The founder of our writing group, Rebekah Eremond, had the idea stowed away someplace and brought it out when we started brainstorming a new project. Kudos to her!

Share a blurb (or just an overall summary)!

*coughs* We don’t have a blurb… However. I can summarize. Probably. Heh.

Daniel Arrik has been on five supply runs in the past three years. Five life threatening excursions into the Wilderness to scavenge the supplies needed for his prejudiced society to continue their ways – ways that came about only because of his father. The AKS-15 virus is ravaging the known world.

It has to stop.

Teamed with a multi-class girl who is seemingly afraid of everything, the king’s physician, the physician’s cold-hearted sister, and a bitter troublemaker, Daniel embarks on a quest to brave the Wilderness and find that which will heal his society and prove that he is not his father: the cure for AKS-15.

But is that what he truly needs?

Yeaaaaahhhh… one should never leave Joelle in charge of writing blurbs when her brain is in this state. 😛

Where does the story take place? What are some of your favorite aspects of the setting?

Futuristic Earth, folks! That’s right, I’m venturing into a new genre and actually setting a story in this world. *mind blows* To be fair, it’s like a thousand years into the future, but y’know. It counts. Some of my favorite aspects are the different city settings we get to experience. In future America, we don’t have a government. Instead, society functions in city-states, each city surrounded by a energy field to keep it safe from the nasty things in the Wilderness. We’ve got cities in the deserts, jungles, mountains – and my character just-so-happens to be from under the ocean. >:) ‘Tis wonderful to create and have fun with.

Tell us about your protagonist(s).

So! There are five of us currently working on this (Rebekah Eremond, Catherine Jones, Birds Rock, Kaylie Finneth, and yours truly), and each of us have a character. Don’t worry, though! Rebekah and Catherine are the only ones with POV characters. Rebekah, as the founder, gets our main main character, Daniel Arrik. Catherine gets to enjoy the multi-class girl, Eve Spirit. (Multi-class should be impossible, BTW.) Meanwhile, Birds Rock has the physician’s sister, Ivy Meadows. (Birds’ brother helped create the physician, Owen Meadows, though it has yet to be seen if he will be writing with us or not.) Kaylie has one of my personal favorites, our lovely villain Nalia. And then there’s Jax. He’s mine. And he’s quite snarky.

Who (or what) is the antagonist?

Nalia Zanix! Guys. This lady. She gives me CHILLS. Seriously. XD

What excites you the most about this novel?

Most? I have to have a most? Erm… probably that I get to co-write it. I love working with other people, so when you combine people and books and teamwork, we have a lovely thing happening here. 😛 If not that, then all the ways Jax and I have been scheming about how to torture poor Eve. It’s going to be fun. >:)

Is this going to be a series? standalone? something else?

Standalone as of now! We’ve been planning this for months and haven’t even written yet, so doing a series would be… a project. XD

Are you plotting? pantsing? plansting?

Plotting! As of now, at least. I have a feeling we’ll start writing and the plot will go out the wazoo. 😛

Name a few unique elements in this story.

Setting up the different classes and their various differences has been a lot of fun. For instance, only high class is allowed to wear bright colors. Low class is required to wear black/gray, whereas middle class is allowed a few colorful things here and there. Also, supply runs. ‘Nuff said.

Share some fun “extras” of the story (a song or full playlist, some aesthetics, a collage, a Pinterest board, a map you’ve made, a special theme you’re going to incorporate, ANYTHING you want to share!).

We actually don’t have that much. A few mock covers here and there, and a whole folder of Hero Forge models, but other than that…

This is shameful.

*poofs off to whip up some collages*

(We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to spare you fro the sounds of construction, moaning, and shatterings taking place. Please bear with us as we deal with these technical issues.)

(Thank you. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.)

*returns, out of breath*

Ok! Here we go! (Also. I have not run any of these by my fellow writers. Mostly ’cause I made them last minute. XD So! Guys, if you dislike any of these, lemme know and I’ll take ’em down. :D)

Made by Rebekah Eremond! Not sure what licenses are on these pictures, so credit goes where credit is due. 🙂

Made with Canva

Also made with Canva – tho some pictures are from Pexels and other places


Goodness. That was a long time on those collages. And now I’m even more out of brain juice. XD What are your thoughts? Should I have saved the collages for another day? Does the story sound interesting, or similar to anything else you’ve ever heard of? What was your favorite question! Answer that one in the comments regarding your own WIP. 🙂

Until next time,

Take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teeth!! ^_^


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