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Know the Novel (Part 3)

*squeals* This is it! The last part of the Know the Novel linkup, hosted by the fantabulous Christine Smith! In case you missed the past couple of weeks, you can find parts one and two here and here, respectively. 🙂 Caught up? Let’s dive right in!

(Also. I realize this is the last Monday in November (0_0 how did it go by so faaaaaast) and I’m not doing a review. This is because apparently Joelle can’t count the number of Mondays in a month correctly. XD So! There will be a review next week instead. :))

Part 3 – Words Written

How did writing this novel go all around?

*coughs* We haven’t written anything yet… *cough cough*

Ahem. Plotting-wise, it’s going pretty well! I think we’re actually being more productive with this story than we were with our last. XD PROGRESS! *fistpump*

Did it turn out like you expected or completely different? And how do you feel about the outcome?


Nothing ever goes according to my expectations. *glances at other stories with a mock frown*

It definitely makes things fun, though. I love those moments when there’s just an explosion of ideas among the five of us and it’s like BANG and everything falls into place. XD Even if the place they fall to is about eighty trillion lightyears away from the spot we originally intended the story to fall.

Does that make any sense? Joelle’s brain is not being kind to her communication skillz today.

What aspect of the story did you love writing about the most? (Characters, plot, setting, prose, etc.)

Always the characters, folks. More specifically, torturing the poor charries and watching them interact with one another and seeing how they react when you blow up their life. Not literally, of course. 😏

How about your least favorite part?

The confusion over the plot. For me, at least. We’ve cleared out the first little bit and will hopefully be able to get a clear outline in our docs somewhere sometime soon.


Haha, that’s funny. XD

What do you feel like needs the most work?

Our productivity levels. Guys, my co-writers are so much fun that we get distracted probably every five minutes. Hey, who are you looking at? I’m definitely not the cause of most of those distractions.


*moves on*

How do you feel about your characters now? Who’s your favorite? Least favorite? Anyone surprise you? Give us all the details!

Yeaaaah… my Jax boi is still my favorite. And Nalia. Talk about conflict. And of course Daniel, because he’s just so… ouch. *hugs Daniel* Ooh, and Eve. *hides her from everyone trying to scare her skin off* Ivy and Owen too – ’cause siblings. Guys, siblings in stories are the BEST. XD

So yeah. I don’t have favorites. XD

Not a fan of the king, though. Bunny slippers. *leaves you in the dark and dashes off to next question*

What’s your next plan of action with this novel?

Get the plot figured out, along with what POVs go where, and WRITE IT PEEPS! We tossed around the idea of writing over a Zoom call for a while, like sprints… we’ll see if that happens. 🙂

If you could have your greatest dream realized for this novel, what would it be?

For people to be touched by it. Even just one person, one girl or boy who needs a story like this to tell them the monsters aren’t in control – that the bad isn’t all there is. That would be fantastic.

And to have a random stranger email us and say, “Thank you.” That would be the coolest and most cry-worthy thing ever.

Share some of your favorite snippets!

You wish. *smirks*

Did you glean any new writing and/or life lessons from writing this novel?

PLOTTING IS HELPFUL. XD Mostly I learned that from Guardians of Kulmaine, but STILL. Also, writing a book with other people is one of the most amazing and life-changing experiences I’ve ever gone through. Thank you, girls, so much, for sharing in that with me. ❤ You guys ROCK!! *milkshakes everywhere*

There you have it, folks! What do you think about Aqua Vitae? Any suggestions? What are your WIPs? Greatest writing dream? Least favorite character? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time,

Take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teeth!! ^_<


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