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Story Day!!

Ok, someone really needs to finish this story for me. ‘Cause I’m intrigued but I don’t know what happens next and I don’t have the time for another project. XD Please take it and finish it.

The Prompt

He opened the door to find her standing there, crying.

*insert evil cackling*

The Story

He opened the door to find her standing there, crying.

“Norah?” he asked, stepping outside and closing the door behind him.

She looked up at him with tear-filled blue eyes. Sobs racked her body. “He-he-he-he’s gone,” she hiccuped, wiping her eyes in vain. “Dylan. He’s gone and I can’t fi-fi-fi-find him.”

Her stutter always got worse when she was upset.

“It’s ok,” he replied, grabbing her shoulders and looking into her eyes. “He’s a big boy, Nor. He can take care of himself.”

She pulled away, shaking her head, her splotchy face flushed now with anger. Oh, how quick her mood changed! “N-n-n-no, you don’t underst-st-stand. He’s GONE, you know? Actually GONE. Nothing le-le-le-left.” Her stance relaxed, giving way to frantic tears. “I don’t know where he is!!”

Dylan wrapped his arms around her shoulder and hugged her close. “I’ll find him,” he whispered. “I promise.”

She sniffled against his chest, probably regretting getting it wet. Sweet, unselfish, naive thing that she was. “Really?” Her voice was small, not daring to hope.


“Then you n-n-need this.” She pulled away and reached into her pocket, withdrawing a piece of paper rumpled with tear stains. “It was on his desk.”

Slowly, refusing to let his eyes leave her face, Dylan reached for the note. The first thing he read stopped his heart cold.


Until next time,

Take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teeth!! 😉


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