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Story Day!!

Consider this a prologue. 😛

The Prompt

Line prompt, this time.

The enemy isn’t always the villain.

Enjoy, and let me know what you come up with!! 😀

The Story

The enemy isn’t always the villain.

Or so they say. Some say that if you’re not for us, you’re against us.

I don’t care. I’m for myself, and if anyone wants to help me, they’re welcome to. If they want to betray me, they’re welcome to. They just have to be prepared to face the consequences for either action.

You see, I’m not exactly the… “respectable” type: the type mothers would let their children hang around or sons would want to apprentice under. I’m not even “respectable” enough to live in an actual city.

So I haunt the woods. I live off the land, always carrying my trusty bow and wearing my tattered cloak. From such I got my name, the Cloaked Archer. I’m apparently “mysterious”, “odd”, even “frightening” to some. Maybe it’s because I harbor no love for any living thing but myself.

No one deserves it.

Even I don’t deserve it, but none of us can help loving ourselves to some extent.

You see, love is a precious thing. It cannot be bought or sold, cannot be stolen despite the fact that it can be given. You cannot touch it, but you can hold it; or see it, but you can feel it. It is a mystery, one far too valuable to be tossed aside.

So I keep my love to myself. I don’t want it to be scorned or wasted or taken without someone recognizing its true value.

Some would say that my love has grown cold.

They are fools.

I think.

Until next time,

Take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teeth!! 😀


(P.S. SOTP finally has a logo!! Check out the homepage or newsletter page and let me know what you think. :))

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