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Story Day!!

We are entering the last stage of Part 1. Please keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times. Thank you. *bows*


Calah and Lasha now have their weapons and are ready to tackle the mission. But something else must come first…

The Caretaker – Part 1.17

While Calah marveled over the swords, Lasha headed to the other side of the room, where a small machine no bigger than your typical holojector’s screen sat on a cluttered table. She reached into her coat and pulled out a sparkling crystal vial, three-quarters of the way full of swirling white liquid. As far as she knew, her portal energy was in good shape. But she might as well make sure while she waited on Mr. Shazen to come back out.

She inserted the vial into a slot in the machine. Whoever had discovered rubber glass was a genius – not only was it virtually unbreakable, but it could be shifted into many different forms – like the flat disk that was now popping back out of the slot. She pulled it out, watching it reform into its original vial shape. A green light flashed from the machine. She was set.

“Is that all, Lasha?” Mr. Shazen’s voice turned her head. He was leaning on the counter, suddenly looking much older and tireder than he had when he’d taken her pistol just a moment before. They should leave before he fell over or something worse.

“Just a small Threaded blaster should do, then we’ll be out of your hair,” Lasha replied, coming back to Calah’s side.

Usually Mr. Shazen would crack a joke about going bald, but this time he just nodded and pointed to the back wall. “Whole selection over there. Take your pick.”

Lasha nodded and drew Calah to the wall, where blasters of all shapes, sizes, and hues hung from a peg-board like material. It didn’t take her long to notice a slender black blaster hanging near the bottom, no bigger than her palm. It’d fit in her boot perfectly. She grabbed it, found the Threaded marking, and logged her use of it with Mr. Shazen. Ten minutes later the Commander and her apprentice left the Weaponry.

Just before the door closed behind them, Lasha saw Mr. Shazen slump into a nearby chair, rubbing his forehead with an aged hand.

“So, am I supposed to come to this dinner meeting you have with the Commanders?” Calah asked.

Lasha shook her head. “Head to the Cafe and get your own supper, then find my rooms. There’s a smaller adjoining room off to the side of mine that should suit you until we leave tomorrow. Try to rest.”

Calah saluted, a playful look in her eye. “Will do!”

Until next time,

Take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teeth! 😉


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