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Story Day!!

Hello my peeps and welcome back to Story Day! I don’t have a lot of time today, so let’s just dive right in. 😉


Calah gets outfitted by Mr. Shazen with all sorts of cool stuffs – but before they’re through, Lasha gets a call from Rune, the Caretaker of the gunar she found in Earth.

The Caretaker – Part 1.13

He must have gotten my message. Lasha rubbed her forehead. “In two minutes, Alice.” She turned to Mr. Shazen and Calah. “You two go ahead – I’ll join you in a moment.”

They nodded, so Lasha stepped outside the door and strode down the corridor until she reached a private room where she could speak with Rune via a hologram. She had just closed and locked the sleek door behind her when Alice said, “Two minutes complete. Would you like me to open a frequency?”

“Yes, and connect to the nearest holojector.”

“Opening frequency. You are connected to the holojector four feet from you.”

The clear sphere floating above a narrow stand in the center of the room pulsed to life, a deep green hologram of Caretaker Kamit Rune’s head and shoulders appearing inside. He nodded at Lasha as she took a seat opposite the holojector, legs crossed.

“Commander Aldric. I got your message.”

“Oh?” Lasha arched an eyebrow. “Is there more, or should I continue with my previous business now?”

His lips tightened. They had never really gotten along very well.

“There is more, Commander.” His voice was tight and cold. “That gunar you apprehended on Earth was using the name of someone no longer alive.”

Lasha inhaled, her brows furrowing. “That’s not possible. Our records are updated every fifteen minutes on Base – less than six full minutes on Moekino! Rushnak Gunitka would have shown up as dead.” She crossed her arms, daring him to contradict her.

He shrugged, his broad shoulders nearly brushing his wavy hair. “Forgive me for saying this, but you’re wrong. The records were incomplete because Ixshar – the gunar in question – had murdered Gunitka shortly before he went to Earth. If you check the archives now, you’ll see that authorities found Gunitka’s body when I gave orders to apprehend Ixshar.”

Lasha was already on it. True enough, Rushnak Gunitka’s files were now dulled in color and bold words across the top of his file screamed: SUBJECT: RECENT DEATH. And as if that weren’t bad enough, his birthdate now had a date of death next to it – approximately six days ago.

She’d been duped.

Wrap Up

MWAHAHAHAHAHA the plot thickens finally. >:) Let me know your thoughts! What’s up with Rushnak/Ixshar? Do you trust Kamit Rune? How will Lasha react, and how does this tie into the rest of the story?

Thanks for tuning in!

Take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teeth! 😉


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