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Story Day!!

This is it, y’all. The first post of 2022 and last journal entry for the ATOTB series. (In case you missed the last two, check out Myra’s entry here and Gilead’s entry here. :)) I’m ready to start writing the actual novel, y’all, and it is going to be so. much. FUN. No joke. XD I’m happy to have been able to share these snippets with y’all, and your enthusiasm has been a real help. So thank you. 🙂

But! Without further ado, read on to discover more about the icon of our second fan club: Irad. (Poor boy. XD)


Write a journal entry from your character’s perspective.

Story Entry

Areel 24

He beat me again today. Ahh, Journal, I don’t know how much longer I can do this for!! I’m walking on pins and needles every. single. day. How is a body supossed to survive this? By the mountans, I don’t even know what I’m doing wrong. How can I fix myself, as Amalek keeps telling me to do, if I don’t even know what the problem is in the first place?

If only I had the courage to leave.

But where would I go, Journal? I have no one to run to. Very few peeple even know I egzist, not to mention care about me. Gramma was the only one. And she left me.

Was taken from me.

I honestly don’t know how I feel about her passing, Journal. At first I felt numb – cold, not beleeving, not daring to think about it for fear of the tidal wave of emotion bound to overtake me. But the more I tried to ignore it, the harder it became. So I bearied myself in my tasks – whatever chores Amalek piled on or whatever random things I found to do. I even suxeeded in teaching myself to read a decent amount, though I have the feeling my spelling is absolootly horribol. Thank goodness for Gramma’s teaching.


Author’s Note: here there is a wild scribble of ink, as if Irad was not aware his pen was on the page when he made a violent movement.


Amalek just came in, Journal. I think he’s going to sleep off his drink, but I don’t dare move from the fire, or else he’ll see me and then who knows what will happen.

If only I were big enough to stop him. Strong enough.

Brave enough.

But I’m not, am I, Journal? I’m a coward. And so there’s nothing I can do but take the bitter words and flying fists and hope that someday, somehow…

I don’t know. That I’ll be free of Amalek’s teror? That I’d find a trademaster willing to take me on and into his home as an aprentis?

That I could stand against Amalek and do something for the better?

I don’t know. But he’s yelling, I’ve got to—

Wrap Up

Yep, you read that right. That’s the end of the entry. *hides behind pile of books before y’all can make me give you more*

Aaaannnyyywhoo, what did you think? Was Irad’s situation clear? Did his voice shine through? How old do you think he is? Were his spelling problems too hard to overlook? Is his fan club bigger than Gilead’s? Heh, ok, maybe that last one isn’t a fair question. 😛

Aside from the actual journal entry, though, I have a slight announcement.

With a new year comes new things. New responsibilities, new ideas, new goals, new problems. And because of that, I’ve decided to revamp the website. More on that Monday, but to give you a teaser, it includes a new design, new colors, new format, possibly a newsletter, and all sorts of goodies.

You might notice that I mentioned new problems. And that’s ’cause I have a serious request I need all of you to pray for. A friend of mine recently lost her entire home to a wildfire. Everything’s gone. They have some medical expenses that need attended to as well, not to mention all sorts of other stuff. Please pray for this very special family if you think about it, and spread the word. And, if you think God is telling you to, please donate to their cause and help them get back on their feet. Please. Thank you all for your support!! And, as always, remember:

Take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teeth!! 😀

(P.S. Both kids have their own Amazon wishlists, since they lost so much in the fire. You can find the daughter’s here and the son’s here. :))

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