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Story Day!!

Hello my peoples, and welcome back to Story Day!! This go-round you’ll be getting a journal entry from everyone’s favorite blind dude (ok, maybe my favorite blind dude) from my WIP A Tale of Two Brothers. (In case you missed last week’s Story Day, I’m doing character journal entries in honor of Christine Smith’s Know the Novel Linkup. ;))

SO! Care to learn more about Gilead and his sister? Dive right in! 😀


Write a journal entry from your character’s perspective.

Story Entry


As I am blind, I dictate my entries to my sister, Anah, as she has beautiful handwriting (or so I hear) and her loyalty knows no bounds. I trust her with my life, and so I trust her with my secrets as well. She is a dear sister and worthy of much admiration. If I were king, I would knight her.

Anah here: he’s just making stuff up. Women can’t be knights and he knows it.

Author’s Note:

Here ensued a half-hour long argument about whether or not Anah had edited Gilead’s dictation or done anything else to his journal, since he knows her well enough to know that her snickers mean mischief is afoot. Then they ran out of time to write, and Gilead’s first entry was complete.



Apologies for the last entry. Anah and I ran out of time to continue writing. I will pick up where I left off here, and hope that Anah does as she promised – hint hint, Anah.

Wait, you weren’t supposed to write that down. Or that! I can hear your pen, you evil young lady perfect little angel! Stop writing. Anah. I will burn this page. Anah!

Anah here: and now Gilead can’t seem to stop laughing. He’s still laughing. I’m writing in his journal while waiting for him to stop. And he’s laughing some more, and trying to say something, but I can’t understand that so I’m not going to bother writing it down. Aaaaaannnndddd he’s snickering some more. He might die of laughter from this. Or lack of oxygen. I can’t tell which. Now he finally stopped. Sheesh, some people really can’t take a joke.

As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, (Pfft, that wasn’t rude! ~Anah) Da has decided that he can teach me his trade, after all. He thought my blindness would hinder my ability to learn (after all, we wouldn’t want a tree to fall on me or for me to accidentally slice off my partner’s head just because I couldn’t see it was there), but he’s found that I can mark trees pretty well without actually cutting them down. It’s doubtful that I’ll ever be able to become a full-fledged woodsman, but at least I can help a bit.

Da has a plan: every two days, I’ll head out into the woods and find trees that are big enough and young enough for him to use. I can do this by feel, and I’m sure Fleck will guide me so I don’t kill myself. Once she’s trained, anyway. This is going to take a LOT of work, though. Da thinks it’ll be a few years before I’m able to go out on my own.

Time’s up. Dictation is slower than I’d thought it’d be.

~Gilead (and Anah)

Wrap Up

Yes, yes, I know: I cheated and gave you two entries. But the first one doesn’t really count, considering how short it is. Anywho, hope you enjoyed that… erm… different form of journaling (how do you spell that? Spell Check isn’t any help in this case XD). I’m trying to make this as realistic as possible, and Gilead can’t read or write, which posed a problem. What do you guys think? Did you like the entry, or should I have gone with a mental journal like I had considered? Does Gilead’s personality shine through? Are his sister’s edits annoying, or funny?

But, most of all, take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teeth!! 😀

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