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Story Day!!

Last week’s story was kinda a downer, so I thought I’d post something I wrote with a humorous touch today! It’s not at all my best work, and it honestly doesn’t make much sense (my trademark XD), but hopefully y’all will enjoy it. 😉 SO!


*coughs* So… yeah… someone didn’t save the prompt AGAIN, but this was the main idea:

“What’s wrong with pushing the button?”

“Nothing. It’s when you let go that things get nasty.”


If someone told you not to push a button, would you?

I did. Whoops.

In my defense, though, it was one of those really attractive buttons with the slightly indented middle for your finger and a beautifully stickered letter on it that just screamed, “PRESS MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!”

So I pressed it. Duh.

And that was when my friend looked at me with that look that said, “You idiot.”

“You said nothing happens when I press it,” I said, defensiveness in my tone. Oohhhh did that key feel good on my fingers. I loved keyboards.

“It’s when you let go that things get nasty,” she said, facepalming. The smack rang in my ears.

“Oh. What happens then?”

She sighed. “Basically the entire computer explodes.”

You know, some days I know when she’s joking. And other days I just can’t tell.

Why oh why today? If the computer exploded, I’d definitely die. Or at least be scarred. And this gorgeous keyboard would be turned into fried circuits.

Stupid curiosity. No wonder my friends called me Cat.

“So what do I do?” I asked, trying to keep myself from sounding either terrified or too disinterested.

She shrugged. “Last I knew you just yeeted the computer out the window and ran for your life in the other direction.”

I glanced at the window to my left. “Deal.”

With great ceremony, my friend opened the window and then stepped away. “On the count of three,” she said as I darted towards it. “One. Two.”

I joined her on the last count. “THREE!”

I yeeted the keyboard and ran.

That poor cat didn’t know what hit it.

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