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Story Day!!

Holy smokers, you guys REALLY enjoy writing cliffhangers. XD Lydia wrote an excellent piece last week revealing some secrets we didn’t even know Norah had. Today, we rejoin Dylan in his quest to find Slade through Annabelle Batie’s fantabulous piece, the seventh installment of Ransom. Excited? Let’s dive in!

(P.S. Latecomer? Click this link and start with the first installment of Ransom. :D)

The Prompt

This is a series written by you guys! Interested in continuing it? Continue from where this post left off!

The Story

Dylan crouched behind a trash can on the sidewalk, closely watching the Crimson Fang who stood there in front of him, talking in hushed tones into his watch. Dylan suspected the man was talking to someone on the other end, but he couldn’t be sure who it was.

Heart pounding in his chest, Dylan crept toward the Fang, trying to make out the words he was speaking. He clenched his teeth. Just put one foot in front of the other. That’s all you have to do. Be fearless, Dylan.

But he wasn’t fearless. He was terrified.

Finally, he got close enough to the Fang to make out a few of the words he was saying. “They aren’t the only ones,” the man growled. “There are others, too.”

The voice on the other end muttered a few words, and then the Crimson Fang spoke again. “Do whatever you can to get to him. I don’t care about the risks of being revealed, or what the governor thinks about it. The governor is nothing but a pig-headed fool, and an irresponsible one, at that. He’s under our control, and he knows it.”

Dylan froze, listening. If what this man was saying was true… he shuddered at the images that filled his imagination at that thought.

The man on the other end said a few more words. After a few seconds, the Fang answered again. “That’s all, Jase. Just get the boy. Try not to be seen by the Unspoken One. And whatever you do, do not. Get. Caught. Do you hear?”

The voice on the other end responded, and then the Crimson Fang tapped a button on his watch and let his arm drop to his side, his talk ended. He let out a low growl, and he turned around to start heading in the opposite direction.

Oh no. Dylan tried to resume his hiding place behind the trash can, but it was too late. The Fang turned and immediately saw him, his eyes growing wide with surprise. “You–” the Crimson Fang growled, lunging at Dylan.

Dylan quickly pulled his gun out from his pack and pointed it at the man before he could come any closer. The Fang stopped in his tracks and pulled out his own gun, pointing it straight at Dylan’s face. Stay calm, Dyl. Stay calm.

“How much did you hear?” the Fang menaced, narrowing his eyes at Dylan.

Dylan decided not to say anything.

“I said – HOW MUCH DID YOU HEAR?!” he shouted again, taking a step closer.

“N-nothing,” Dylan said, trying not to look as terrified as he was. Remember. For Norah. For Slade. “I just got here, and I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“I think you do,” the man growled at him. “Who are you anyway, and what are you doing here?”

“There’s no reason for me to tell you,” said Dylan, heart racing.

“Yes, I think there is a very good reason.” The Fang took another step closer and kept his finger on the trigger of the gun. “If you don’t tell me, I’ll kill you.”

Dylan’s hand started to tremble. He clenched his teeth. Don’t be a coward, Dylan. You’ve been through this before. You can do it again.

“Tell me, man!” the Fang shouted.

“I-I’m looking for my son,” Dylan said. “His name is Slade.”

The Fang’s eyes widened, and his gun slowly dropped. “You are the father of–” he trailed off, as if catching himself before saying something he wasn’t supposed to. “Come closer,” he said, dropping his gun and beckoning to Dylan.

Dylan slowly took a step forward. But when he did, the Crimson Fang suddenly pulled his arm backward and then landed a punch right in his face, knocking Dylan to the ground. He fell hard, his arm scraping against the sidewalk pavement as his head pounded in pain. He heard the dim laugh of the Crimson Fang, who stood over him, watching.

Dylan’s vision swam as memories coursed through his mind and pain gave way to everlasting darkness. It can’t end this way, Dylan thought.

But it had.

*bounces up and down* Has it truly ended for Dylan? Or will he pull through? What happened with Slade and Jax? Who is “the Unspoken One”?! Who is Jase? What is Norah’s secret?

Somebody please write the next piece so I can find out. XD

Until next time,

Take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teeth!! 😀


(P.S. There’s 20 days left for the $20 giftcard giveaway! Enter now or forever hold your peace. *ominous music* XD)

(P.P.S. I updated the short stories page, so make sure to check that out. I also added soundtracks to the Authorized Personnel Only spot. 😉 If you have the password, tell me what you think! If you don’t have the password, you can sign up for my newsletter and get it! :))

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