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Story Day!!

Oh man oh man oh man. You GUYS. This piece is FANTBULOUS. Talk about amping up the mysteries. Whoever posts next, you’ve got a great jumpstart. 😉

Last week, we stopped in with Slade and met a new frenemy, Jax. This time we return to Norah and meet one of her old friends… and find one of her secrets. Join me in welcoming Lydia Smith to the writing stage! *applause*

(P.S. Latecomer? Click this link and start with the first installment of Ransom. :D)

The Prompt

This is a series written by you guys! Interested in continuing it? Continue from where this post left off!

The Story

“It’s fine, Mom, I promise! Jennifer is just a friend. I only ever see her at church, and you know how much we talk there. She’s hardly more than an acquaintance. Believe me, everything is fine,” he said.

“You’re lying to me, aren’t you?”

Slade flinched. “Mom, no. Never.”

She looked at him, searching his face for a glimmer of honesty, then turned to the window. He said nothing, but she heard him begin sidling from the room.

“Don’t do it, Slade.”

“Mom, I’m not going to do anything, I promise! I’ve already told you a thousand times. Why won’t you trust me?”

She leaned her forehead against the window pane. “Prove that I can. Don’t go.”

“I’m not going anywhere except to bed!”

Norah sighed. She couldn’t help him anymore. “Then I won’t keep you. Goodnight, Slade.”

“G’night,” he mumbled.

“Division 103. How can I help you?” The soft voice on the other end of the phone pulled her back to reality.

“Randy Ilias, please.”

“Hold while I transfer your call.”

Norah sighed, leaning back against the wall. She closed her eyes and started counting off the seconds.

One. Two. Three…

Oh, Slade.

When she’d told him she couldn’t trust him anymore, it had hurt her just as much as it had hurt him. The late night fight Dylan had with him later had hurt her more, though.

Norah didn’t blame Dyl for getting angry with their son. She would’ve ripped into him, too, if she’d caught him sneaking into his room through the window at half past two on a Saturday night, smelling like alcohol and cigarettes. She just couldn’t believe it was Slade doing this.

Slade, her baby. Her miracle.

Fifty-three seconds. Fifty-four.

“H’llo?” a deep voice drawled.

“It’s Nor, Randy.”

A muffled exclamation. “Nor! What are you calling for? I thought you and Dyl dropped contact with 103 years ago.”

“We did! Or, at least, we tried to.”

Randy laughed. “Once you’re in, you’re in, ay? There no escaping.”

“So I’ve learned.”

“Well, it’s real good to hear from you again, but I know you didn’t just call to chat. What’s up?”

“The Fangs, Randy. They nabbed Slade. They’re holding him hostage.”

“Hostage!” he yelped. “Why? What for?”

“Ransom. They want a hundred fifty thousand dollars—in cash—by Friday, and I don’t—”

“No. It’s not about the cash,” he interrupted. “They’re more than wealthy. They don’t need ransom money. They want something else. Is Dyl around?”

Her mouth went dry. That’s what she’d been afraid of hearing. “No, he went after Slade. You think… you think this is about his past?” she croaked.

“Dylan was a force to be reckoned with,” Randy said. “Still is. Unless things have changed since our last conversation, he has… stuff… around the house left over from his position here. Stuff they’d love to get their hands on.” He paused. “You do know what I’m talking about, don’t you?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“That’s what they’re after. Keep it safe, Norah. Keep it out of their hands. If you don’t…” He blew a long sigh into the phone. “We’ll be in trouble over our heads.”

See?! What did I tell you!? I’ve been writing with Lydia for a few years now, and this might be the best she’s ever produced. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT I’M DYIIIINNNGGGG!!! XD

Alas, I have to wait until next time. *fp* SOMEONE WRITE THE NEXT PIECE. XD But until then…

Take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teeth!


(In other news, I’m hosting a giveaway! Check it out here. :))

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