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The Remarkable Blogger Tag!

*drumroll, please*

I said I would start doing tags on Mondays again, so here we are! XD I've done the Remarkable Blogger tag before (though the link is buried so if you want to read it good luck finding it XD) and it was fantastic! Thank you to Sisters Three for the tag. ^_^

So, without further ado, may I present The Remarkable Blogger tag. *bows*

The Rules

  • Add the featured image

  • Tag your post with #theremarkablebloggertag

  • Pingback to original post

  • Mention the creator (Selina at Simply Selina! She made this over a year ago, guys... 0_0)

  • Share something unique about you (I've had two different horses fall over while I was riding them within 10 days of each other. Yes, I am that skilled. XD)

  • Answer the nine questions the person who nominated you has asked

  • Ask 9 nine questions for your nominees

  • Nominate 10 – 15 people

  • Have fun! (But of course ;P)

The Questions

What was the first thing you ever wrote?

A short story that shall never again see the light of day called Jaguar Fun. It was about ten "chapters" long (each chapter being a couple paragraphs at best) and detailed the one-day adventures of a family of jaguars. Yeah. XD

How many ‘drafts’ do you have sitting around, either finished or unfinished?

0_0 Goodness, I have no idea. You guys, my books folder on my Drive is gihugic. XD

And that's just the folders - it's not showing all the files I have beneath them that don't fit into the categories I made. *fp*

So... *mumbles to self* Over 15 for sure. Heh... Most of those are either finished or abandoned, tho.

Do you have a pen name?

Joelle Stone. ;P

A book that has influenced your writing the most? (Besides the Bible…)

Ooohhhh this is a wonderful question! Lord of the Rings, obviously (if it's not obvious, hang around for a little while longer and you'll see how much I obsess about that). It taught me a lot about prose and character roles and worldbuilding. Also, The Wingfeather Saga. It showed me what an impactful story (and I mean really impactful, you guys) truly is and inspired me to try and accomplish the same thing. And I have studied the death scenes in there for tips.

Guys. Andrew Peterson is a master at jerking your heartstrings. XD

As for non-fiction, Andrew Peterson's Adorning the Dark has also really affected me. It hasn't taught me much about my craft, per se, but it has inspired me to keep going and showed me that the world truly does need deep Christian stories. If you haven't read it, please please do.

What would you do if someone accidentally deleted all of your writing stuff?

Sit in absolute shock when they told me. Then probably go through all five stages of grief to their fullest extent. XD I'd also be really tempted to give up on writing altogether, but I don't think I'm capable of that at this point. I probably wouldn't rewrite all my previous stories, though - ATOTB would be gone, KOTN would be gone, all the ideas for other secret projects would be gone. I'd start with a clean slate.

A song that reflects your personality?

Ooh, another good question! Unfortunately, I have no idea. XD There doesn't seem to be just one. Jason Gray's If You Want to Love Someone comes to mind, as that was recommended to me because it reminded someone of me. Hollyn's In Awe captures some of my most favorite moments. For KING & COUNTRY's To the Dreamers and Long Live both have lines that fit different pieces of me, and Gray Haven's Stole My Fame depicts one of my frequent struggles, as does Chris Renzema's Let the Ground Rest and Sarah Sparks' Shasta's Complaint. You see my point. XD

Who is your favorite artist? (Meaning someone who draws, paints, sculpts…etc.)

I don't know very many, but I would have to say my sister. Someday I'll convince her to let me buy some work from her... *waggles eyebrows at her if she's reading this* On a more big-name scale, I like a lot of DevianArt's stuff. Like I said, I don't know very many, especially not by name. XD

What’s one trope you can’t stand?

Man, you guys have some killer questions. XD Hm. I don't mind a lot of tropes, 'cause if you can do them well they actually add a lot to a story. But I will admit that one that drives me up a wall would be the rebellious, independent, "strong", always-right teenage daughter. (*coughs* Looking at you, Ariel... *cough cough*) Can we get back to the teenage daughters who may be rebellious and independent, but learn that that's not right? *huffs out a breath and decides to write a story like that someday*

What would you do if someone told you that you couldn’t write for a whole month?

Ask them why. XD And then, if it was a good reason, not write for a month and whither away inside in the process. If I disagreed with the reason, I'd disregard their advice/command and write anyway. >:)

My Questions

  1. What is a song that describes you? (Stealing Sister Three's question, I know... XD)

  2. What character do you feel the most pain for in your stories?

  3. Love triangle or enemies-to-lovers?

  4. What is your favorite genre to read? To write?

  5. Are you a girly-girl or tomboy, or more in the middle?

  6. Are you a Christian? If so, why? If not, why not?

  7. Favorite Bible story? (If you don't know the Bible that well, what is your favorite book?)

  8. What is a movie that you would never recommend to someone?

  9. Do you prefer hardback, paperback, eBook, or audiobook?

The Poor, Unfortunate Tagees

  1. I'm gonna be cruel and re-tag Sisters Three, 'cause I want to know their answers to these questions. XD

  2. Ava Coulter

  3. Grace Johnson

  4. Mayim

  5. Allyson Jamison

  6. Saraina Whitney

  7. Louise (Emma? XD) Taylor

  8. Annabelle Batie

  9. Aletheianna Mercy

  10. You! Swipe this tag or take it nicely, but go ahead and do it! :)


Have you ever gone horseback riding? What is a song that describes you? Would you like to see a page for music recommendations? What is your least-favorite trope? How big is your books folder? XD

Until next time,

Take courage, pursue God, and smile while you still have teeth!! ^_^


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Annabelle Batie
Annabelle Batie
Apr 30, 2023

Lol, I can't believe I didn't see that you tagged my until now. Thanks for the tag! I'll save this for sometime soon. 😉

May 01, 2023
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XD Happens to the best of us. Of course! I can't wait to see what you do with it! :D


Grace Johnson
Grace Johnson
Apr 02, 2023

Ooh, thanks so much for the tag, girl!! :D

Apr 03, 2023
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You're welcome! Best of luck. XD


Mar 15, 2023

Love this, Joelle!

Mar 15, 2023
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Thank you, Lydia!


Mar 14, 2023

My entire drive is book folders at this point, 😂 I created a folder specifically for three ideas i wanted to focus on, and it's now got 9 completely different and un-related book folders... XDDD

I WOULD LOVE A MUSIC PAGE! I vote in favor of that *raises hand*

Okay, but also the first thing you ever wrote, XD sounds like a children's book that I would have read growing up (in my "Jungle Book" phase, no less, LOL).

(Thanks for the tag! I can't wait to tackle your questions! :D )

Mar 15, 2023
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*laughs* I could so see me doing that as well. XDDD


0_0 (That's kinda perfect XD). Maybe someday I'll rewrite it and publish it as a children's book. XDDD

(Of course! I can't wait to see the answers. >:))


Saraina Whitney
Saraina Whitney
Mar 14, 2023

"But I will admit that one that drives me up a wall would be the rebellious, independent, "strong", always-right teenage daughter." AHH YES! That annoys me so bad! 😭

You have a WIP called The Day Death Drowned? WOW. I want to know everything about that. Just sayin'. XD

Thank you for tagging me!!! I LOVE your questions, so I'm excited to answer them!!!

Mar 15, 2023
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RIGHT?! Argh. *shakes head*

Hehe, yes... That's one of those secret projects that I was seeing if anyone would notice... XD

You're welcome! Can't wait to read it. ^_^

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